Defining file enrichment rules
A file enrichment rule matches a specified resource identifier (the token) to the longitude and latitude (the geographical location) of the resource. Resources that have been enriched with a geographical location can be displayed on the topology resource map.
Before you begin
- File format
- The file you use must be in the TSV (tab-separated values) format.
About this task
Tip: CLLI (Common Language Location Identifiers) are supported and can be used as
Remember: To enrich your resource records with geolocation data, you can use a file
enrichment rule as described here, or you can load resource data with geolocation properties
On the Details section of the New file enrichment rule (or Edit file enrichment rule) page, you define the name, status, tokens and file to be used for the rule.
Example file enrichment rules:
A file enrichment rule allows the value of a token to be used to map that resource to its
location on a map.
- Example TSV file
LONDON-CTR-01 51.509287 -0.120226 LONDON-CTR-02 51.485100 -0.108514 MCHSTR-CTR-01 53.482641 -2.248665 LVERPL-CTR-01 53.403925 -2.996455
- Example rule
- name =
- Example resource
{ "uniqueId": "server-001", "name": "server-001", "entityTypes": [ "server" ], "buildingCode": "LONDON-CTR-01" }