Applying rule actions to an event and time condition

To create a seasonal event rule, you must specify the selected events or time conditions, or both in the Create Rule or Modify Existing Rule window.

Before you begin

Create or modify an existing seasonal event rule. To create a seasonal event rule, see Creating a seasonal event rule. To modify an existing seasonal event rule, see Modifying an existing seasonal event rule.

About this task

The seasonal event that is selected by default in the Event Selection pane is the seasonal event from which the Create Rule or Modify Existing Rule window was opened.
Note: A seasonal event rule suppresses events when they occur for a deployed related event group. The seasonal rule actions do not apply to the synthetic parent event that is created.
Note: You can create a seasonal event rule to unsuppress an event or alarm. This rule has no actions if there are no suppressed alarms.


To specify the selected events and time conditions, complete the following steps in the Create Rule window.

  1. In the Event Selection section of the GUI, hover over Event(s) Selected.
    The Summary field value of the seasonal event on which the rule is based is displayed in hover help.
    Note: The Summary field does not uniquely identify the specific seasonal event on which this rule will be based. If you want to check the seasonal event on which this rule will be based, close this dialog box. The seasonal event row selected in the Seasonal Event report is the one on which this rule will be based.
    Tip: It is good practice to add the event identity field to the Seasonal Event report. Doing this helps you to uniquely identify a seasonal event. For information on how to do this, see Adding report fields.
  2. To select all, or one or more of the events that are related to this seasonal event, complete the following steps.
    1. To select all of the related events, select the Select all related events check box.
    2. To select a subset of the related events, click Edit Selection, and then in the dialog box, select one or more related events and click OK.
      Note: One of the events listed in the dialog box is the original seasonal event. This event remains selected, even if you unselect it in the dialog box.
    The number of events selected in total (the number of selected related events plus the one seasonal event) is now displayed next to Event(s) Selected. Hovering over this field now displays the Identifier field value of all of the events selected.
  3. To select a time condition, complete the following steps.
    1. Select one of the following time condition filter conditions.
      Select AND to apply rule actions to each of the selected the time conditions.
      Select OR to apply rule actions to individual time conditions.
    2. Select Minute of the Hour, Hour of the Day, Day of Week, or Day of Month from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select Is or Is Not from the drop-down menu.
    4. Select the appropriate minute, hour, day, or date from the drop-down menu. You can select multiple values from this drop-down menu.
      Note: High, medium, and low seasonality labels are applied to this time selection drop-down menu to indicate the seasonality of the events occurring at that time.
  4. Click the add button to add another time condition.
  5. To save the event selection and time conditions, choose one of the following criteria.
    1. Select Watch to monitor the rule's performance before it is deployed.
    2. Select Deploy to activate the rule.


The seasonal event rule conditions are applied to the selected seasonal event and to any selected related events, if these events occur at the time or times specified in the time conditions.