Backing up and restoring for EDB Postgres

The following example explains how to back up and restore EnterpriseDB (EDB) Postgres data with Rook Ceph®.

About this task

The following table describes what configuration parameters are used for backups in the postgresql section of the Netcool® Operations Insight® Custom Record definition.
Section name Property name Description Default value
postgresql.bootstrap enabled Use this property to determine whether to bootstrap a new cluster from a preexisting backup. false
postgresql.bootstrap clusterName

This property is the name of the cluster to bootstrap from. The cluster must include an existing backup that is located in your destinationPath property. For example, if you had a previously running cluster that successfully took backups before, the value to provide for this property is what you originally provided in spec.postgresql.backups.serverName.

postgresql.bootstrap destinationPath This property follows the "s3://${BUCKET_NAME}" format. s3://ceph-bkt-18d99a17-38ee-4798-accb-a39077bd1abd
postgresql.bootstrap endpointURL This example property uses node port.
postgresql.bootstrap # endpointURL If you use a local S3 bucket, the example property is http://$AWS_HOST:$AWS_PORT. http://rook-ceph-rgw-my-store.rook-ceph.svc.8080
postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials secretName This property is the name of the secret that contains the relevant S3 credentials. ceph-bucket
postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials keyNameAccessKeyID This property is the name of the key in the secret with a value that matches the access key ID. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials keyNameAccessSecretKey This property is the name of the key in the secret with a value that matches the access secret key. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
postgresql.bootstrap.s3Credentials keyNameAccessSessionToken This optional property is the name of the key in the secret with a value that matches the access session token.  
postgresql.bootstrap.wal walMaxParallel This property indicates the number of jobs to use when bootstrapping the cluster. This property has bandwidth implications. 1
postgresql.bootstrap.wal encryption Use the bucket default encryption. Options are default, AES256, or aws:kms. default
postgresql.bootstrap.wal compression

Options are none, gzip, bzip2, or snappy.

Each option has implications for speed and size.

postgresql.backups enabled

Enable or disable backups.

postgresql.backups data The following settings refer to the actual data in the database and not the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) files:
  • Use default to use the bucket default encryption. Options are default, AES256, or aws:kms. The bucket must support the encryption mode. If you're unsure, use default.
  • The compression options are none, gzip, bzip2, or snappy. Each option has different implications for speed and size.
  • The jobs property indicates the number of jobs to use when backing up the Postgres data. This property has bandwidth implications.
  • Use the encryption property to use encryption.
postgresql.backups destinationPath

This property is the S3 bucket name. If you use the Backing up and restoring for EDB Postgres guide, it is the value of the BUCKET_NAME variable.

postgresql.backups endpointURL

This property is the endpoint URL. If you use the Backing up and restoring for EDB Postgres guide, it is the URL of one of the workers of the cluster that has the S3 bucket hosted on it followed by the external port that is defined in the node port service.

postgresql.backups # endpointURL This example uses an S3 bucket that is co-located on the same cluster as the Netcool Operations Insight installation. "http://rook-ceph-rgw-my-store.rook-ceph.svc:8080" # "http://$AWS_HOST:$AWS_PORT"
postgresql.backups retentionPolicy This property indicates how long to store backups. 12m
postgresql.backups serverName

This property is the folder name where the backups from the cluster go.

If you are bootstrapping from an existing backup, the value that is provided must be distinct from the value that is provided for the spec.postgresql.bootstrap.clusterName property. A common convention is to use restoredCluster if you are bootstrapping a new cluster from a backup. The new backups from that bootstrapped cluster go into the restoredCluster directory in your S3 bucket.

If you are not bootstrapping a cluster from an existing backup, meaning if you are creating a new Netcool Operations Insight installation or upgrading to version 1.6.11for the first time, use the evtmanager-noi-postgres-cluster value.

postgresql.backups.s3credentials secretName This property is the name of the secret that contains the relevant S3 credentials key. ceph-bucket
postgresql.backups.s3credentials keyNameAccessKeyID This property is the name of the key in the secret that has a value that matches the access ID key. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
postgresql.backups.s3credentials keyNameAccessSecretKey This property is the name of the key in the secret with a value of the access secret key. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
postgresql.backups.s3credentials keyNameAccessSessionToken This property is optional and matches the name of the key in the secret with a value of the access session token.  
postgresql.backups.wal encryption Use the bucket default encryption with this property. Options are default, AES256, or aws:kms. The bucket must support the encryption mode. If you are unsure, use default. default
postgresql.backups.wal compression

Options are none, gzip, bzip2, or snappy.

Each option has implications for speed and size.

postgresql.backups.wal walMaxParallel Set this property to the number of jobs to use when backing up the WAL. This property has bandwidth implications. 1
postgresql.backups.endpointCA enabled Set this property to true to use a custom certificate authority (CA) certificate. false
postgresql.backups.endpointCA name This property is the name of the custom CA certificate secret.

The secret must include a key that is named cacert and that has a value of the Base64-encoded CA certificate.

postgresql.backups.onetimeBackup enabled Enable the taking of a one-time backup. You need to manually clean these properties up when you uninstall. true
postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup enabled Set this property to determine whether to enable taking scheduled backups. false
postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup immediate Set this property to determine whether to start taking backups immediately. true
postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup schedule

This property indicates the schedule for backups. It uses the same syntax as Kubernetes job schedules.

"0 0 0 * * *"
postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup suspend

Set this property to determine whether to suspend the taking of scheduled backups.

Set this property to true if you want to pause the taking of backups.

postgresql.backups.scheduledBackup backupOwnerReference

Use this property for the OwnerReference value for the derivative backup custom resources (CRs) that are created from this ScheduledBackup CR.

  • If the property is set to none, no OwnerReference is used, and you need to manually delete the derivative backup CRs when you uninstall Netcool Operations Insight.
  • If the property is set to self, the OwnerReference for the Backup CRs is the ScheduledBackup CR. When one ScheduledBackup CR is deleted, all derivative Backup CRs are automatically deleted.
  • If the property is set to cluster, the OwnerReference for the Backup CRs is the Cluster CR. If the Cluster CR is deleted, such as when the Netcool Operations Insight CR is deleted, the Backup CRs are automatically deleted.


  1. Install and configure rook-ceph. For more information, see Getting started external icon and Openshift external icon in the Rook Ceph documentation.
  2. Ensure that the rook-ceph operator is running.
    oc -n rook-ceph get pod
  3. Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket.
    1. To create a CephObjectStore custom resource definition (CRD), enter the following lines into a file, such as a file named CephObjectStore.yaml.
      kind: CephObjectStore
        name: my-store
        namespace: rook-ceph
          failureDomain: host
            size: 3
          failureDomain: host
            dataChunks: 2
            codingChunks: 1
        preservePoolsOnDelete: true
          port: 8080
          instances: 1
    2. Then, create the CephObjectStore CRD:
      oc create -f CephObjectStore.yaml
  4. Create the storageclass S3 bucket.
    1. Enter the following lines into a file, such as a file named rook-ceph-bucket.storageclass.yaml.
      kind: StorageClass
         name: rook-ceph-bucket
      reclaimPolicy: Delete
        objectStoreName: my-store
        objectStoreNamespace: rook-ceph
    2. Then, create the storageclass S3 bucket:
      oc create -f rook-ceph-bucket.storageclass.yaml
  5. Create the objectbucketclaim custom resource (CR).
    1. Enter the following lines into a file, such as a file named ObjectBucketClaim.yaml.
      kind: ObjectBucketClaim
        name: ceph-bucket
        namespace: netcool
        generateBucketName: ceph-bkt
        storageClassName: rook-ceph-bucket
      Replace netcool with your namespace name.
    2. Then, create the objectbucketclaim CR:
      oc create -f ObjectBucketClaim.yaml
  6. Create a node port service to get access externally.
    1. If you create this S3 bucket on a cluster that is external to the IBM® Netcool Operations Insight installation, create a node port to show the S3 bucket. Enter the following lines into a file, such as a file named rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-external.yaml.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-external
        namespace: rook-ceph
          app: rook-ceph-rgw
          rook_cluster: rook-ceph
          rook_object_store: my-store
        - name: rgw
          nodePort: 32252
          port: 8080
          protocol: TCP
          targetPort: 8080
          app: rook-ceph-rgw
          rook_cluster: rook-ceph
          rook_object_store: my-store
        sessionAffinity: None
        type: NodePort
    2. Then, create the node port:
      oc create -f rook-ceph-rgw-my-store-external.yaml
  7. Use a file system tool, such as s5cmd, to test S3 bucket access. Search s5cmd releases to choose a release, or download and install the release in the following example:
    tar -xzf s5cmd_2.0.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz
    sudo mv s5cmd /usr/local/bin
  8. Configure your file system tool to access the S3 bucket. This example uses s5cmd.
    1. Enter the following commands:
      export AWS_HOST=$(oc -n netcool get cm ceph-bucket -o jsonpath='{.data.BUCKET_HOST}')
      export PORT=$(oc -n netcool get cm ceph-bucket -o jsonpath='{.data.BUCKET_PORT}')
      export BUCKET_NAME=$(oc -n netcool get cm ceph-bucket -o jsonpath='{.data.BUCKET_NAME}')
      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc -n netcool get secret ceph-bucket -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' | base64 --decode)
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc -n netcool get secret ceph-bucket -o jsonpath='{.data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' | base64 --decode)
      Replace netcool with your namespace name.
    2. Then, create the S3 credential file:
      mkdir ~/.aws
      cat > ~/.aws/credentials << EOF
      aws_access_key_id = ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
      aws_secret_access_key = ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
  9. Test the S3 bucket.
    1. Enter the following command:
      echo "Hello Rook" > /tmp/rookObj
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://$AWS_HOST:$PORT cp /tmp/rookObj s3://$BUCKET_NAME
    2. List, download, and read the previously created file. If you can't upload the file, list the file, download the file, or concatenate the file, the S3 bucket might not be configured correctly.
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://$AWS_HOST:$PORT ls s3://$BUCKET_NAME/*
    3. Download the previously written file:
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://$AWS_HOST:$PORT cp s3://$BUCKET_NAME/rookObj /tmp/rookObj-download
    4. Read the local file that you downloaded from the S3 bucket:
      cat /tmp/rookObj-download
    5. Delete the file:
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://$AWS_HOST:$PORT rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME/rookObj
  10. If you use a node port service, test the S3 bucket with these commands instead:
    1. Enter the following command:
      echo "Hello Rook" > /tmp/rookObj
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://k8s-worker-name-here:32252 cp /tmp/rookObj s3://$BUCKET_NAME
    2. List, download, and read the previously created file. If you can't upload the file, list the file, download the file, or concatenate the file, the S3 bucket might not be configured correctly.
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://k8s-worker-name-here:32252 ls s3://$BUCKET_NAME/*
    3. Download the previously written file:
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://k8s-worker-name-here:32252 cp s3://$BUCKET_NAME/rookObj /tmp/rookObj-download
    4. Read the local file that you downloaded from the S3 bucket:
      cat /tmp/rookObj-download
    5. Delete the file:
      s5cmd --endpoint-url http://k8s-worker-name-here:32252 rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME/rookObj
  11. Use the S3 bucket in your Netcool Operations Insight CR.
    1. If you are taking backups for the first time, run the following script:
      kind: NOI
        name: evtmanager
        version: 1.6.11
          accept: true
            enabled: true
            data: # the following settings refer to the actual data in the database, NOT the WAL files
              encryption: "default" # use the bucket default encryption, options are default, AES256, or aws:kms; the bucket must support the encryption mode; if unsure, use "default"
              compression: "none" # options are none, gzip, bzip2, or snappy, different implications for speed and size
              jobs: 1 # the number of jobs to use when backuping up the postgres data, bandwidth implications
            destinationPath: "s3://your-bucket-here-a39077bd1abd" # the s3 bucket name; the value of the BUCKET_NAME variable exported above
            endpointURL: "http://your-cluster-worker-name-here0:32252" # the endpoint URL; if using the quickstart guide, the url of one of the workers of the cluster that has the s3 bucket hosted on it, followed by the external port defined in the node port service
            retentionPolicy: "12m"
            serverName: "evtmanager-noi-postgres-cluster"
              secretName: "ceph-bucket"
              keyNameAccessKeyID: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
              keyNameAccessSecretKey: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
              keyNameAccessSessionToken: ""
              encryption: "default"
              compression: "none"
              walMaxParallel: 1
              enabled: false
              name: ""
              enabled: false
              enabled: true
              immediate: true
              schedule: "0 0 0 * * *"
              suspend: false
              backupOwnerReference: "none"
      • Replace evtmanager with your release name.
      • The destinationPath format is "s3://<$BUCKET_NAME>", for example: "s3://ceph-bkt-34ae25b7-4f08-40bb-ac5b-2c600c78926d"
      • The endpointURL value is your cluster worker name and port or nodePort, for example:
      • Get the serverName by running the following command.
        oc get pod -n noi-on-ocp |grep noi-postgres
    2. Check whether the backups succeeded:
      oc get backup -n netcool
      If the backup was successful, you receive an output similar to the following example:
      <username>@21:48:22:[~/workspace/noi-on-icp]$ oc get Backup -n netcool
      NAME                                AGE    CLUSTER                           PHASE       ERROR
      evtmanager-noi-onetime-edb-backup   6d5h   evtmanager-noi-postgres-cluster   completed
    3. If the backup was not successful, enter the following command to obtain more information about the issue:
      oc describe Backup evtmanager-noi-onetime-edb-backup -n netcool
  12. Restore from the backup.
    1. Delete your existing Netcool Operations Insight CR, wait for all pods and associated resources in your netcool namespace to be deleted, and create a new Netcool Operations Insight CR for Postgres with the following script:
      kind: NOI
        name: evtmanager
        version: 1.6.11
          accept: true
            enabled: true
            clusterName: "evtmanager-noi-postgres-cluster"
            destinationPath: "s3://your-bucket-here-a39077bd1abd" # the s3 bucket name; the value of the BUCKET_NAME variable exported above
            endpointURL: "http://your-cluster-worker-name-here0:32252" # the endpoint URL; if using the quickstart guide, the url of one of the workers of the cluster that has the s3 bucket hosted on it, followed by the external port defined in the node port service
              secretName: "ceph-bucket"
              keyNameAccessKeyID: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
              keyNameAccessSecretKey: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
              keyNameAccessSessionToken: ""
              walMaxParallel: 1 # the number of jobs to use when bootstrapping the cluster, bandwidth implications
              encryption: "default"
              compression: "none"
            enabled: true
              encryption: "default"
              compression: "none"
              jobs: 1
            destinationPath: "s3://your-bucket-here-a39077bd1abd" # the s3 bucket name; the value of the BUCKET_NAME variable exported above
            endpointURL: "http://your-cluster-worker-name-here0:32252" # the endpoint URL; if using the quickstart guide, the url of one of the workers of the cluster that has the s3 bucket hosted on it, followed by the external port defined in the node port service
            retentionPolicy: "12m"
            serverName: "restoredCluster" # this will be the folder that the backups from the bootstrapped cluster will go; the pre-existing backups that we took before will still be in the "evtmanager-noi-postgres-cluster" folder
              secretName: "ceph-bucket"
              keyNameAccessKeyID: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
              keyNameAccessSecretKey: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
              keyNameAccessSessionToken: ""
              encryption: "default"
              compression: "none"
              walMaxParallel: 1
              enabled: false
              name: ""
              enabled: true
              enabled: true
              immediate: true
              schedule: "0 0 0 * * *"
              suspend: false
              backupOwnerReference: "none"
    2. Enter the following command:
      oc get cluster -n netcool
      The bootstrapped cluster appears. After the bootstrap process completes, it is indistinguishable from a new cluster.