
See recently executed runbooks, including runbooks in progress.

On the Runbooks Activities page, you can find all runbooks that have been started. You can filter your list by the following criteria:
Runbook name
Select the Runbook filter and select one or more runbook names. All runbook executions for the selected runbook names are shown.
Runbook type
Select the filter Type and select Automatic Manual. Fully automated runbooks are runbooks in which each step contains an automation. An operator does not need to interact with the runbook. Automated runbooks can be mapped with events by creating a trigger. To see the automated runbooks that are started by a trigger, click Automatic.
Runbook execution status
Select the Status filter and choose a status such as Success, Failed, Cancelled, In progress, or Completed. For example, you can find all runbook executions that are paused by selecting In progress. When you are ready to return to the task you can resume the runbook. Select the Canceled status if you want to see all canceled runbooks and the reason why they have been canceled.
You can take the following actions on the Activities page:
  • Resume activities that are paused or in progress.

    This lets you continue with the activity's current step, and it displays the activity's history up to that point including which steps have been skipped as well as all relevant automation results.

  • View past runbook activities' details.

    This displays the entire history of the activity. In the case of a fully automated activity, the details also include automation activity errors when available. Only activities that are in progress or paused can be changed, so this view of the activity is read only.