Configuring the Network Health Dashboard

As an administrator, you can configure how data is displayed, and which data is displayed in the Network Health Dashboard.

About this task

To fit the quantity of widgets onto a single screen, customers need a minimum resolution of 1536 x 864, or higher.

As an administrator, you can configure the Network Health Dashboard in a number of ways to meet the needs of your operators.
Changing the layout of the dashboard
You can change the layout of the dashboard. For example, you can reposition, or resize widgets. See information about Editing dashboard content and layout in the Jazz® for Service Management documentation: link
Change the refresh period for all widgets on the Network Health Dashboard
The Network Manager widgets within the Network Health Dashboard update by default every 20 seconds. You can change this update frequency by performing the following steps.
Note: The Event Viewer widget updates every 60 seconds by default.
  1. Edit the the following configuration file: $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm//
  2. Find the following line and update the refresh period to the desired value in seconds.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Close and reopen the Network Health Dashboard tab to put the changes into effect.
Change the colors associated with event severity values used in the Configuration and Event Timeline
You can update the colors associated with event severity values used in the Configuration and Event Timeline, by performing the following steps:
  1. Edit the following configuration file: $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/
  2. Find the properties status.color.background.severity_number, where severity_number corresponds to the severity number. For example 5 corresponds to Critical severity.
  3. Change the RGB values for the severity values, as desired.
  4. Save the file.
Disable launch of the Network View tab when selecting a network view in the Network Health Dashboard
When a user selects a network view in the Network Health Dashboard, by default a second tab is opened, called "Network View". This tab contains a dashboard comprised of the Network Views GUI, the Event Viewer, and the Structure Browser, and displaying the selected network view. If your network views are very large, then displaying this second tab can have an impact on system performance. To avoid this performance impact, you can disable the launch of the Network View tab by performing the following steps:
  1. Edit the following configuration file: $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/
  2. Find the following lines:
    # Defines whether the dashboard network view tree fires a launchPage event when the user clicks a view in the tree
  3. Set the property topoviz.networkview.dashboardTree.launchpage.enabled to false.
  4. Save the file.