Unable to load trigger definitions

Trigger definitions not loading because of missing Netcool®/Impact connection.


After installing IBM® Netcool Operations Insight® on Red Hat® OpenShift®, and navigating to Automations > Runbooks > Triggers, the following error message is displayed:
Unable to load trigger definitions. 
ARBR510E No connection to Impact is configured.


Certain pods restarting during the installation process.


  1. Run the following command to restart the Netcool/Impact server pod:
    oc delete pod $(oc get pods|grep nciserver-0|awk '{print $1}')
  2. When that pod has reinitialized, run the following commands to restart the RBA pods:
    oc delete pod $(oc get pods|grep ibm-cem-rba-as|awk '{print $1}')
    oc delete pod $(oc get pods|grep ibm-cem-rba-rbs|awk '{print $1}')