Logging into Netcool Operations Insight

Use this information to understand how to access and log into the Cloud GUI and the Advanced GUI.

Before you begin

If you are logging into the Cloud GUI in a hybrid environment, then be aware of the following prerequisites:
  • If you are unable to log into your production deployment, then ensure all your certificates are trusted.
  • If you are unable to log into a demo, proof of concept, or trial deployment, then first, log into the Advanced GUI using the URL constructed based on the instructions in this topic, and accept the certificate error. Then, log into the Cloud GUI.

About this task

The following table provides the parameterized hostname and URL. Use this URL to log into the Cloud GUI.
GUI Default hostname Default URL
Cloud GUI netcool-release_name.fqdn


The following table lists the Netcool® Operations Insight® on OpenShift® components, together with parameterized hostnames and URLs. Use these URLs to log into the Advanced GUI and access these different components.
Component Default hostname Default URL




The topology management service

Netcool/Impact GUI



WebSphere® Application Server



Netcool/Impact Primary



Draft comment: posnerke@uk.ibm.com
Git issue 5857 Commented out the following row based on advice from Dev:

nci-1.custom_resource.fqdn - https://nci-1.custom_resource.fqdn/nameserver/services

Note: In order to construct the URL for each GUI, you must first identify the hostname. This topic explains how to derive the information necessary to construct the hostname and the URL.


  1. Retrieve the hostname for each component of Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat® OpenShift
    with the following command:
    kubectl get route -n namespace
    Run the kubectl get ingress command to retrieve the hostname allocated by the Kubernetes Ingress controller to satisfy each ingress. This command retrieves all the routes in your cluster. The following code snippet gives an idea of what this data looks like. The dotted lines indicate more lines of data than what is shown.
    NAME                                                        HOST/PORT                           PATH                                                         PORT  TERMINATION        WILDCARD
    release_name-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-backend-ingress-4    netcool-release_name.fqdn      release_name-ibm-hdm-analytics-dev-inferenceservice        8080    edge                   None
    release_name-ibm-hdm-common-ui                          netcool-release_name.fqdn      release_name-ibm-hdm-common-ui-uiserver                    8080    edge/Redirect          None
    release_name-impactgui-xyz                              impact-release_name.fqdn       release_name-impactgui                                     17311   passthrough/Redirect   None
    release_name-nci-0                                      nci-0-release_name.fqdn        release_name-nci-0                                         9080    edge/Redirect          None
    release_name-proxy-xyz                                  proxy2-release_name.fqdn       release_name-proxy                                         6002    passthrough/Redirect   None
    release_name-webgui-3pi                                 netcool-release_name.fqdn      release_name-webgui                                        16311   reencrypt/Redirect     None
    • <release_name> is the name of your deployment, as specified by the value used for name (Operator Lifecycle Manager UI Form view), or name in the metadata section of the noi.ibm.com_noihybrids_cr.yaml or noi.ibm.com_nois_cr.yaml files (YAML view). Make a note of this value as you will need to construct the URLs in the following steps.
    • fqdn is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the cluster's controller node. The FQDN takes the form:
      Make a note of this value as you will need to construct the URLs in the following steps.
  2. Construct the URL for the Cloud GUI. You can then copy and paste this URL directly into your browser.
    Where hostname is the value from the HOSTS column in step 1 for the component that you want to log into. The hostname is made up of three elements:
    • Component name; netcool
    • Custom resource name, as identified in step 1.
    • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), as identified in the previous step.
  3. Construct the URL for each of the components of Netcool Operations Insight on OpenShift. You can then copy and paste this URL directly into your browser.
    Where hostname is the value from the HOSTS column in step 1 for the component that you want to log into. The hostname is made up of three elements:
    • Component name; depending on the Netcool Operations Insight on OpenShift component for which you are constructing the URL, this element can take one of the following values:
      Use this component name ... For ...
      netcool WebGUI
      impact Netcool/Impact
      was Websphere Application Server
      nci-0 Netcool/Impact Primary Server
    • Custom resource name, as identified step 1.
    • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), as identified in step 1.
  4. Ensure that the hostname in your URL resolves to an IP address. You can do this using one of the following methods:
    • Configure your /etc/hosts file with the hostname and IP address from step 1.
    • Query a DNS server on your network.
  5. Navigate to the login page for the relevant GUI, by typing the URL that you constructed in step 2 into your browser.
  6. Type your login credentials, and click Login.