Troubleshooting runbooks in GitHub

If a runbook is defined in your GitHub repository but does not show up in the runbook Library try the following troubleshooting items:
  • Connection Status: The connection to GitHub contains the detailed status of the connection and the files found. The status can be retrieved either through the UI tile of the GitHub connection or through the API call "GET /status" by using the query parameter "gitHub".
  • File syntax: Does the file contain a valid JSON and does it conform to the "requestRunbookCreate" data model as defined by the API documentation?
  • File size: Files larger than 1 MiB are not supported.
  • Rate Limit: API tokens to access the GitHub API might be rate limited. Make sure that you can use the token to successfully request data from GitHub. Requests that use tokens that are rate limited typically receive an HTTP Code 403 as an answer. Refer to the GitHub documentation to change rate limits for your tokens and repositories.