
The nci_import tool imports Impact data sources, data types, policies, services, and projects that were previously exported from an instance of the Impact server using nci_export.

About this task

To import data in Impact on the cloud, the Impact server (nciserver) must be scaled down to 1. If your nciserver is already scaled to 1 server, you can skip to Step 4.


  1. Scale nciserver to zero:
    oc scale sts <release name>-nciserver --replicas=0
  2. Edit the stateful set and set NCISERVERS_REPLICA_COUNT to 1:
    oc edit sts <release name>-nciserver
  3. Scale nciserver to 1:
    oc scale sts <release name>-nciserver --replicas=1
  4. Wait for nciserver-0 to restart, then copy the exported data to the nciserver. The following example assumes the data is in a directory called nci_0_export:
    oc rsync <local path>/nci_0_export <release name>-nciserver-0:/tmp/nci_0_export <local path>/nci_0_export
  5. Log into nciserver:
    oc rsh <release name>-nciserver-0
  6. Go to the Impact home directory:
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/
  7. Run the import command:
    ./bin/nci_import NCI_0 /tmp/nci_0_export
    Note: If you changed the Impact instance name, replace NCI in the command with your instance name. For example, if the instance name is BAK, the import will be for BAK_0.
    Important: When the nci_import operation is complete, you must restart Netcool®/Impact to apply the changes.