Backing up and restoring Web GUI and DASH configuration data

The WebGUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) functionalities include a backup facility, which you can use to back up configuration data such as pages, roles, filters, views, and tools settings. You can back up (and later restore) the existing configuration data. You might need to back up and restore the configuration data when you upgrade your system, or for maintenance reasons.

About this task

To back up and restore the configuration data, complete the following steps.


Backing up or exporting data

  1. Export WebGUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub data from the source WebGUI pod (old, existing deployment).
    1. Access the webgui-0 container by running the following command:
      oc exec -ti <release-name>-webgui-0 bash
      Where <release-name> is the name of your release.
    2. Go to the /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins directory.
    3. Edit the file. For more information, see the Export Web GUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub data section here:
      1. Uncomment the following line:
      2. Enter the following line after the line:
      3. Edit the ExportWebGUIPlugin.ignore parameter to include server.init.update:
    4. Go to the directory that contains the utility: /home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/bin.
    5. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:
      ./ Export --username smadmin --password password --settingFile /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins/  

      Replace smadmin and password with the username and password of the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user.

    6. Copy the file from the webgui-0 container to the infrastructure node with the following command:
      oc cp <release-name>-webgui-0:/home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/output/

Restoring or importing data

  1. Import WebGUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub data. For more information, see the Import Web GUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub data section of the OMNIbus documentation:
    1. Restart the upgraded WebGUI pod, by running the following command:
      oc scale sts --replicas=1 <release-name>-webgui
    2. Copy the file into the upgraded webgui-0 container:
      oc cp <release-name>-webgui-0:/home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/input/
    3. If it does not exist, create the input directory.
      Run the following command to create the input directory:
      oc exec -ti <release-name>-webgui-0 bash
      mkdir /home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/input/
    4. Access the webgui-0 container by running the following command:
      oc exec -ti <release-name>-webgui-0 bash
    5. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the log file. Change the level of logging, if required.
    6. Go to the /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins directory.
    7. Edit the file:
      1. Uncomment the line.
      2. Enter the following line after the line:
      3. Add JazzSM.home=/home/netcool/app/jazz
    8. Go to the directory that contains the utility: /home/netcool/app/jazz/ui/bin
    9. Enter one of the following commands to import the data:
      ./ Import --username smadmin --password password --settingFile /home/netcool/app/gui/omnibus_webgui/integration/plugins/

      Replace smadmin and password with the username and password of the DASH administrative user.

    10. After running the import command, verify that all WebGUI and Dashboard Application Services Hub customizations are in place, by checking, for example, filters and pages.

Exporting the data by using the Dashboard Application Services Hub export wizard

  1. To export the data by using the Dashboard Application Services Hub export wizard, see the Exporting console settings section here external link.

Importing the data by using the Dashboard Application Services Hub import wizard

  1. Following are the steps to import the data by using the Dashboard Application Services Hub import wizard:
    1. Go to Console Settings > Dashboard hub.
    2. Select Import dashboards to current console.
    3. Select the file exported previously.
    4. To import this file, click Choose File and then select Import.This action imports the Dashboard Application Services Hub pages and customizations to the current console.