Not authorized error message when logged into Network Manager
You might be unexpectedly logged out of ITNM, or your might receive unexpected error messages about not being authorised when you are logged in, for example, when you try to access Network Manager online help. One solution to this issue is to change the name of the WebSphere Application Server single sign-on (SSO) cookie to ensure that users logged into Network Manager are always recognized as being authenticated with Network Manager, regardless of any other SSO cookies set by concurrent login sessions to other servers, such as Intranet login sessions.
- Log in to the WebSphere admin console as the smadmin user.
Where:- hostname is the name of the WebSphere Application Server.
port is the port number associated with the WebSphere Application Server. By default this is the port number of the Dashboard Application Services Hub server + 5, which is 16316.
- In the navigation tree on the left-hand side, click .
- In the Global Security page, click Web and SIP Security, and then click Single Sign-On (SSO).
- In the LTPA V2 cookie name field, type the desired SSO cookie name; for
example, ITNMLtpaToken.
By default this field is blank, and if left blank the cookie name value defaults to LtpaToken2. Hence it is important to change the cookie name to anything other than LtpaToken2.
- Click OK.
- Click Save directly to the master configuration.
- Restart the Dashboard Application Services Hub server.