
The ipMRouteMdt table holds the Collection entities representing the Multicast Distribution Trees (MDTs) for each Multicast Source/Group. The name of the entity (present in the entityData table) takes the form (S,G). Each row in the table represents a single MDT. The MDT collects the End Points involved using the existing collects table. The MDT contains their related Groups/Source entities (through the existing contains table), and depend on the Multicast Route entities (through the dependency table).

The following table describes the ipMRouteMdt table.

Table 1. ipMRouteMdt table
Column name Type Constraints Description
entityId 32-bit integer
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key (entityData table)
  • Not Null
The identifier of the IP Multicast Routing MDT entity
mdtType Enumerated value Takes one of the following values:
  • unknown
  • other
  • SPT
  • SDT
Holds the type of MDT represented