The domainMgr table stores data on network domains. This table belongs to the category domains.
The following table describes the domainMgr table.
Column name | Type | Constraints | Description |
domainMgrId | 32-bit integer | Primary key Not null Automatically incremented Unique |
This is an automatically-incremented field that must be unique for each domain. |
domainName | 255-character string | Not null | The name of the domain. |
creationTime | Timestamp | Not null | The timestamp indicating when the domain was created. |
lastUpdated | Timestamp | Not null | The timestamp indicating when this domain was last updated. |
managerName | 100-character string | Foreign key Not null |
The application that manages this domain. This is usually Network Manager. This is one of the network manager applications specified in the manager table. |
description | 255-character string | The textual description of the domain. | |
webtopDataSource | 32-character string | The name of theTivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI data source that Topoviz must connect to. The default value is NCOMS. If you change this value, then you must also edit the ModelNcimDb.DOMAIN.cfg and insert the new value there. | |
domainHost | 32-character string | Used by Topoviz to communicate with the Network Manager server. This value is automatically set by the ncp_model process. | |
domainPort | 32-character string | Used by Topoviz to communicate with the Network Manager server. This value is automatically set by the ncp_model process. | |
batchUpdatePercent | 8-bit integer | This field is updated by the domain manager during batch updates. |