Configuring feedback settings

You can specify feedback settings when configuring a partial discovery with the GUI.

About this task

Feedback is the mechanism by which data returned by agents is used to find other devices. Examples of feedback data include the IP address of remote neighbors, or the subnet within which a local neighbor exists.

The feedback mechanism allows any new IP addresses to be fed back into the discovery and thus increases the size of the discovered network. You need to balance completeness of the discovered topology (feedback on) with greater speed of discovery (feedback off).

You can choose from the following options after selecting the Advanced tab within the Configuration option in the Discovery Configuration GUI:
  • No Feedback: Feedback is off for all discoveries. This option provides speed but discovers only those devices specified to the finders, and hence provides an incomplete topology. However, this setting ensures that discoveries complete in the quickest possible time.
  • Feedback: Feedback is on for full discoveries and partial discoveries. This option provides a complete topology in all situations but takes the longest time.
  • Feedback Only on Full: Feedback is on for full discoveries, ensuring a complete topology. For partial discoveries there is no feedback. This ensures that the partial discovery runs in the quickest time possible. This is the default setting.