Creating Oracle topology database schemas on UNIX

Use scripts to create the topology database schemas in an Oracle database on UNIX.

About this task

To create the topology database, complete the following steps on the server where the Oracle database is installed. Different users are required to run the different scripts.


  1. Make sure that you followed the prerequisites for installing Oracle, and install and configure the Oracle database.

    For information on installing and configuring Oracle, refer to the Oracle documentation at

  2. Ensure the database creation scripts are available on the database server.
    • If the Oracle database is on the same server as Network Manager, and the Network Manager has already been installed, the database creation scripts are available in $ITNMHOME/scripts/sql.
    • If the Oracle database is on a different server, either copy the contents of $ITNMHOME/scripts/sql to the Oracle server, or locate the oracle_creation_scripts.tar.gz file at the top level which is available from IM as a separate package.
  3. Run the script on the server where the database is installed. Log in to the Oracle host as the Oracle database administrator, run the script by supplying the sys user and password. Run the script as in the following example.
    sys password [-pdb pluggable_database_name]

    Where the following parameters apply:

    Specifies the password of the sys user.
    -pdb pluggable_database_name
    Optional: if you are running Oracle 12c with RAC, you must use a pluggable database. In this case, use this parameter to specify the Oracle 12c pluggable database name.
  4. To create the database, run the ./ script. As the Oracle database administrator, run the ./ script by supplying the system user and password. On the Network Manager server, the script is in the $ITNMHOME/scripts/sql/oracle directory. Run the script on the server where the database is installed. Run the script as in the following example.
    ./ system password [-asm] [-pdb pluggable_database_name]

    Where the following parameters apply:

    Specifies the password of the system user.
    Specify -asm if your Oracle DB uses ASM.
    -pdb pluggable_database_name
    Optional: if you are running Oracle 12c with RAC, you must use a pluggable database. In this case, use this parameter to specify the Oracle 12c pluggable database name.
  5. Create the database schema. To create the database schema, use one of the following approaches, you cannot use both approaches.
    1. To create the database schema from the Network Manager server, run the $ITNMHOME/scripts/sql/ command on the Network Manager server as the administrative user as follows:
      ./ database_type database_name host user_name password port


      Identifies the type of database to create. In this case, it is oracle.
      Specifies the name of the database. For Oracle, this name must be the pluggable database.
      Specifies the server host name or IP address where the database is installed.
      Identifies the user to use to connect to the database.
      Provides the password for the user.
      Specifies the database port.
    2. To create the database schema on the database server, go to the location on the database server where you uncompressed the oracle_creation_scripts.tar.gz file. As the administrative user, run the script. Run the script as in the following example:
      ./ database_user_name password 
      [-pdb pluggable_database_name] > oracle.log 2>&1

      Where the following parameters apply:

      The value can be system or ncim. You created the ncim user in an earlier step.
      Provides the password for the user.
      -pdb pluggable_database_name
      Optional: if you are running Oracle 12c with RAC, you must use a pluggable database. In this case, use this parameter to specify the Oracle 12c pluggable database name.
  6. Examine the oracle.log file for any errors.
  7. Run the $ITNMHOME/bin/ncp_mib command to ensure that the ncmib database is fully populated with SNMP data from the MIBs before a discovery is run.
  8. If you want your Network Manager GUI to use the database schema you created, configure access to the new topology database schema and re-create your network views.