AOC specific to device class
Use this sample AOC file to understand how Network Manager assigns discovered devices to the device class at a lower level in the class hierarchy.
The following sample AOC file fragment assigns devices to the EWindowsNetHarmoni class using the filter defined in the instantiate_rule clause. This is an EndNode device.//*************************************************************
// File : EWindowsNetHarmoni.aoc
active object 'EWindowsNetHarmoni'
super_class ='EndNode';
instantiate_rule = "EntityOID like '1 \.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.1977\.1\.6\.1279\.'";
For the EWindowsNetHarmoni class, the following
parameters are defined in the AOC file. The instantiate_rule parameter
is long. It consists of multiple lines comparing the EntityOID, (this
is the sysObjectID of the device), to various values, joined together
by an OR operator. There are different versions of the OR comparison:
- super_class ='EndNode'
- This parameter establishes the device as belonging to the EndNode class. The EWindowsNetHarmoni class inherits all the attributes of the EndNode class.
- instantiate_rule = "EntityOID like '1 \.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.1977\.1\.6\.1279\.'"
- This filter is looking for a match to the value 1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.11\.2\.3\.9\. The \. is required to make sure that the . (period) is matched. Also, notice that the value ends in \. This allows matching OIDs that start with the specified value but have additional values following the last . (period) specified.