
The GwIpLookupUsing(); rule performs the same operation as the GwIpLookup() rule, except that a field within the current top-level in-scope event is used to perform the lookup.


The GwIpLookupUsing(); statement uses following syntax.

GwConnects ( event field name);


The following table lists the properties of the arguments of this stitcher rule.
Table 1. Arguments of GwIpLookupUsing()
Argument Description Accepts constants Accepts variables Accepts eval clauses
event field name Instructs the rule to extract the value of this field from the current event, and use it to look for the entity in the topology. Yes Yes Yes


The following example looks up an entity based on a supplied event field name.

Record implementingEntity= GwIpLookupUsing( "LocalNodeAlias" );