Configuring failover using the ConfigItnm.cfg file

When you use the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ConfigItnm.DOMAIN.cfg file to configure failover, the Network Manager processes will read the file on startup to identify whether they are running in the primary or backup domain.

About this task

The ConfigItnm.DOMAIN.cfg file contents must be identical on both the primary and backup domain servers.

To configure failover by using the ConfigItnm.DOMAIN.cfg file:


  1. On the primary Network Manager server, edit the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ConfigItnm.PRIMARY_DOMAIN.cfg file as follows:
    1. Enable failover and specify the primary, backup, and virtual domain names for the Network Manager processes. You can insert the required values in the itnmDomain.failover table by editing the following section in the file:
      insert into itnmDomain.failover
      Complete the values section as follows, in the order listed:
      Column Required value
      FailoverEnabled Specify 1 to enable failover for the defined primary and backup domains.

      The default value of 0 means that failover is disabled.


      Replace NCOMS_P with the actual name of the Network Manager primary domain in the failover pair.

      Note: The PrimaryDomainName is the only one that is stored in NCIM, and as a result the only name that is displayed in the GUI. The backup domain name is not used in NCIM, and consequently, not displayed in the GUI either.
      BackupDomainName Replace NCOMS_B with the actual name of the Network Manager backup domain in the failover pair.
      VirtualDomainName Replace NCOMS_V with a designated name for the Network Manager virtual domain in the failover pair.
    2. Specify the name of the ObjectServer to which the Probe for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and the Event Gateway will connect. Insert the required value in the itnmDomain.objectServer table by editing the following section in the file:
      insert into itnmDomain.objectServer
      Complete the values section as follows:
      Column Required value
      ServerName If you are using Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus V7.3 or later, and have configured ObjectServer failover using the supplied multitiered configuration files and naming conventions for the multitiered configuration, specify AGG_V as the name of the virtual aggregation pair. The initial value shown is either the name of the ObjectServer that was installed by the Network Manager installer, or NCOMS if no ObjectServer was installed.

      For earlier versions of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, specify the alternative name defined for the ObjectServer virtual pair.

      If ObjectServer failover is not configured, specify the name of the single ObjectServer being used.

      Note: No additional failover configuration is required in the probe properties file. The default probe property settings provide adequate support for failover when the probe runs.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Copy the entire contents of the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ConfigItnm.PRIMARY_DOMAIN.cfg file on the primary server to the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ConfigItnm.BACKUP_DOMAIN.cfg file on the backup server.