Use network view libraries to view the results of a discovery
or to troubleshoot network problems.
Before you begin
Before you can work with network view libraries the administrator
must complete the following tasks:
- The first network discovery must have successfully completed.
- The administrator must configure network view libraries for you,
either by dynamically generating network views or by creating custom
network views.
About this task
You can use different types of network view libraries
to monitor different types of devices or device technologies.
Click the Incident icon and select .
By default, the network view tree contains a separate IP network view
hierarchy per domain for each network technology; you will see an IP network view hierarchy only for
each domain.
you can add an LTE network view hierarchy for each domain. Do this by creating
a template-based dynamic view using the lte_default
network view template..
In the Network
Views tree on the left of the
widget, expand the network view nodes by clicking the + symbols.
- Select a network view with an event status icon of severity
minor or higher.
The network map displays subnets
and devices in that network view. Faulty devices and subnets are marked
with an event status icon. Names of faulty devices are highlighted
in a color that corresponds to the event severity on that device.
Hover over a device in a network view to display summary information
about the device.