Adaptive polling plug-in
Use this information to understand plug-in prerequisites, how the adaptive polling plug-in populates fields in the activeEvent table, as well as configuration details associated with the plug-in. The activeEvent table is in the NCMONITOR schema.
The adaptive polling plug-in removes rows from the activeEvent table when an event is cleared or deleted from the ObjectServer.
Required fields
This plug-in expects events supplied by the Event Gateway to be with populated with the following fields:- Acknowledged
- AlertGroup
- EventId
- FirstOccurrence
- LastOccurrence
- LocalPriObj
- NmosCauseType
- NmosSerial
- NmosEntityId
- Serial
- Severity
- SuppressEscl
- Tally
Event map subscriptions
The Adaptive polling plug-in subscribes to the following event maps:
- ChassisFailure
- EMSNonPollingEvent
- EMSPollingEvent
- EntityFailure
- EntityIfDescr
- EntityMibTrap
- genericip-event
- ItnmLinkDownIfIndex
- ItnmMonitorEventNoRca
- LinkDownIfDescr
- LinkDownIfIndex
- LinkDownIfName
- NbrFail
- NbrFailIfDescr
- OSPFIfState
- OSPFIfStateChange
- OSPFIfStateChangeIP
- PollFailure
- PrecisionMonitorEvent
- Reconfiguration
The Adaptive polling plug-in subscribes to the following event states:
- Cleared
- Deleted
- Occurred
- ReAwakened
- ReOccurred
- ReSync
- Updated
Events in the activeEvent table
The activeEvent table contains only active problem events that have been matched to an entity in the topology and that meet the following conditions:- Event is active. This means that the event has not been cleared, and is expressed in field
terms by the relationship
Severity > 0
. - Event is a problem event. The alerts.status field Type has the value
,More Severe
, orLess Severe
. - Event has been matched to an entity. The Event Gateway has identified the main node. This is
expressed in field terms by the relationship
NmosObjInst > 0
activeEvent table fields
Plug-in | Description |
Acknowledged | Indicates whether the event has been acknowledged by the operator. |
AlertGroup | Identifies the originator of the event. |
domainMgrId | Unique integer that identifies the domain to which the affected device belongs. |
entityId | The NmosEntityId of the event. The field is named entityId in this table for consistency with other NCIM topology database tables, thereby facilitating GUI functionality. |
EventId | The name of the event type. Based on this field secondary polls can be initiated based on specific types of failure. |
FirstOccurrence | The time in seconds (from midnight Jan 1, 1970) when this event was created or when polling started. |
LastOccurrence | The time when this event was last updated. |
LocalPriObj | The primary object referenced by the event. For use in managed object instance identification. |
NmosCauseType | Stores the results of root cause analysis and allows root cause events to be identified. |
NmosSerial | If the event was suppressed during root cause analysis, this field indicates the value in the Serial field of the suppressing event. |
Serial | Unique identifier for the event, within the context of a single ObjectServer. This field is stored in the table in order to allow a key to be generated for the table. |
Severity | Severity of the event . Note: Severity zero events are not listed, as
these events indicate that the alert has been resolved, and are therefore not required in
alert views or in poll policies that use alert views as their scope.
SuppressEscl | Used to suppress or escalate the alert. The suppression level is manually selected by operators from the Event Viewer. |
Tally | A count of the number of occurrences of the event. This enables sporadic events such as one-off ping failures to be filtered out. |
Configuration of the plug-in
At startup, or upon Event Gateway resynchronisation (a SIGHUP or at failover or failback), this plug-in will also populates the alertColors and alertConversions tables based on values in the Object Server alerts.colors and alerts.conversions table.
The following plug-in configuration parameters can optionally be set using the script.
Parameter name | Value | Purpose | Default |
CopyAlertTablesAtStartup |
Indicates whether to populate the alertColors and alertConversions tables. Possible
values are:
This allows a single domain to populate these tables if problems occur when running multiple domains. |
True |
ActiveEventUpdateInterval |
Interval, in seconds, at which the activeEvent table is updated. |
Updates to the table are made in transactions, to try to minimise the load on the DB server. This interval identifies the period at which these transactoins are committed. |
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