Examples of the like operator

Use these examples to help you use the like operator in search criteria.

Example 1

The following example query identifies the records in the employees table that contain the lowercase letter r in the Name column.

|phoenix:1.> select Name from staff.employees
|phoenix:2.> where Name like ".*[r].*";
|phoenix:3.> go
( 2 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Example 2

The following example query identifies the records in the employees table for which the Name column begins with an uppercase C or upper R.

|phoenix:1.> select Name from staff.employees
|phoenix:2.> where Name like "^[CR]";
|phoenix:3.> go
( 2 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Example 3

The following example query would return the complete records of all employees listed in the contractors table whose name begins with an uppercase letter J.

|phoenix:1.> select EmployeeID, Name from staff.contractors
|phoenix:2.> where Name like "J";
|phoenix:3.> go
( 2 record(s) : Transaction complete )