Configuring the Show Connectivity Information tool

You can specify which interface types to display when the Show Connectivity Information tool is run on a device in Network Hop View or Network Views. You can also change what information is displayed for interfaces.

Before you begin

If you want to change the interface types that are displayed, you must know the IDs for the interface types. You can determine the interface type IDs by running the following SQL query on the NCIM topology database.

SELECT * FROM ncim.enumerations where enumGroup = 'ifType';

About this task

The Show Connectivity Information tool displays a table of devices and interfaces that are connected to a selected device.


  1. Optional: Configure which interface types are displayed.
    By default, all interface types on the selected device are included.
    1. Open the $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/ configuration file.
    2. Include interface types by typing a line similar to the following example anywhere in the file.
      In this example, the Show Connectivity Information tool displays interface types 2 and 36 only.
    3. Exclude interface types by typing a line similar to the following example anywhere in the file.
      In this example, the Show Connectivity Information tool displays all interface types except for interface type 1.
    4. Specify interface types to display in the Show Connectivity Information tool by either including interface types or excluding interface types.
      Note: You must not use both includes and excludes parameters in the file. Doing so might produce unexpected results in the Show Connectivity Information tool.
    5. Save and close the file.
  2. Optional: Configure which columns are displayed.
    By default, these columns are displayed: ifDescr, ifType, and ifTypeString.
    1. Back up and edit the $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/ncimMetaData.xml file.
    2. Locate the following section.
      <columnView tableMode="showconnecttable">
                  <columnName tableAlias="n" column="ifDescr"/>
                  <columnName tableAlias="n" column="ifType"/>
                  <columnName tableAlias="n" column="ifTypeString"/>
    3. Add or remove the columns that you want to display.
      You can use any columns from the networkInterface entity attribute table.
    4. Save and close the $NMGUI_HOME/profile/etc/tnm/ file.