Migrating the GUI components

Migrate the GUI components by exporting the data from the source installation to the target installation. Import the data, assign users to groups, and review the NMGUIFilesForManualReview.txt file for any necessary manual steps.

About this task

Migrate data for the Network Manager GUI using the instructions below.

For instructions about migrating Web GUI, refer to the information for your version of Web GUI at: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSHTQ/landingpage/NetcoolOMNIbus.html.


  1. On the target server where the GUI components are installed, ensure that the environment variables for Network Manager are set by running the environment script. The environment script is in the following location: installation_directory/nmgui_profile.sh, for example, /opt/IBM/netcool/nmgui_profile.sh.
  2. On the target server where the GUI components are installed, run the following command:
    $NMGUI_HOME/install/scripts/makeExportPackageGUI -j $JazzSM_HOME -n $NMGUI_HOME


    • $NMGUI_HOME is the environment variable that defines where the Network Manager GUI is installed. By default, this is /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/precision_gui.
    • $JazzSM_HOME is the Jazz for Service Management installation directory. By default, this location is /opt/IBM/JazzSM.
    For example, using the default install locations, run the following command:
    /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/precision_gui/install/scripts/makeExportPackageGUI -j /opt/IBM/JazzSM -n /opt/IBM/netcool/gui/precision_gui
    The script creates a package containing the scripts that you use to export data from the source installation. The package is named ExportPackageGUI.tar.
  3. Copy the ExportPackageGUI.tar file to a temporary location on the source server where the GUI components are installed. If you have GUI components installed on multiple servers, you only need to export the data from one of the servers, unless you have set them up differently.
    Note: The location must not be in or contained by the installation directory.
  4. On the source server, decompress the ExportPackageGUI.tar file.
  5. Ensure that the environment variables for Network Manager are set on the source server, by running the appropriate environment script.

    In Network Manager 4.2, there are two environment scripts.

    On the server where the Network Manager GUI components are installed, the script is installation_directory/nmgui_profile.sh, for example, /opt/IBM/netcool/nmgui_profile.sh.

    On the server where the Network Manager core components are installed, the environment script is installation_directory/netcool/core/env.sh.

    In previous versions of Network Manager, the script is stored in the installation_directory/netcool directory.

  6. The ExportPackageGUI.tar file contains a file called Preupgrade.tar. Extract the Preupgrade.tar file to the following location on the source server: $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile.
  7. In the scripts directory that was created by decompressing the file, run the nmGuiExport script using the following command:
    nmGuiExport -u tipadmin|smadmin -p password


    • -u takes either the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrative user name (tipadmin by default) for versions of Network Manager prior to V4.2, or the Jazz for Service Management administrative user name (smadmin by default).
    • password is the password for that user.
    Restriction: You must run the script as the same user that installed the product.

    The script creates a data.zip file in one of the following directories: $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/output/ or $JazzSM_HOME/ui/upgrade/data/. The file contains configuration data, user roles, and custom Tivoli Integrated Portal pages, views, and roles. Any errors are saved to one of the following directories: $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log or $JazzSM_HOME/ui/logs/consolecli.log.

  8. Create the $JazzSM_HOME/ui/input/ directory on the target GUI server and copy the data.zip export file into it. If you are installing multiple Dashboard Application Services Hub servers, copy the export file to each server.
  9. Ensure that Dashboard Application Services Hub is running.
  10. Ensure that the environment variables for Network Manager are set on the target server, by running the environment script installation_directory/netcool/gui/precision_gui/nmgui_profile.sh.
  11. In the scripts directory on the target server, run the nmGuiImport script using the following command:
    nmGuiImport -u smadmin -p password [ -f path_to_zip_file ] 


    • -u takes the Jazz for Service Management administrative user name (smadmin by default).
    • password is the password for that user.
    • path_to_zip_file is the path to the data.zip export file that contains the GUI data. If the -f option is not specified, the script searches for the data.zip file in the default location: $JazzSM_HOME/ui/input/.
    Restriction: You must run the script as the same user that installed the product.
    The exported GUI data is imported into the new installation. If the same users exist on the target Dashboard Application Services Hub installation as on the source installation, the same user roles are added to them. Results of the import are logged to the following file: $JazzSM_HOME/ui/logs/consolecli.log
  12. Manually add users to the appropriate user groups on your new system. The import of GUI data does not include user group membership data.
  13. Review any custom pages from the source installation that contain the Event Viewer. Replace every Event Viewer widget with an Event Viewer widget.
    The Event Viewer widget is not available in Network Manager V4.2. For information on how to edit pages, refer to the Developing custom dashboards topic within the IBM Tivoli Network Manager User Guide.
  14. If you used the Discovery Library Adapter on the source server, migrate the settings.
    1. Go to the location on the source server where the DLA properties are stored. For versions of Network Manager prior to V4.2, the location is $NCHOME/precision/adapters/ncp_dla/. For Network Manager V4.2, the location is $NMGUI_HOME/adapters/ncp_dla. Locate the DLA properties files. Each domain has an ncp_dla.properties.domain name file. Use the DLA properties files for each domain to recreate the same DLA settings on your new installation.
    2. Go to $NMGUI_HOME/adapters/ncp_dla.
    3. Using the preconfigured ncp_dla.properties file, create an equivalent DLA properties file based on each previous domain's DLA file, naming the files after each domain, for example, ncp_dla.properties.NCOMS.
    4. Open the DLA properties file for each domain and make the same settings in the new respective domain-specific file as in the previous ncp_dla.properties.domain name file, thus recreating the DLA file for each respective domain on the new system.
      Restriction: Do not copy-paste the previous file content as is into the new file, but copy over settings that have been modified on the previous system. The new file contains new parameters that did not exist in previous versions, and might not function properly if the content is overwritten.
  15. Review the results of the import in the NMGUIFilesForManualReview.txt file and perform any necessary manual migration steps.