Setting Link status option

You can change the settings for links status option for each network view. To enable the links to show poll policies, administrator has to enable the links to show policies. If it is not enabled, Link status option button is not displayed.

About this task

You can set Link status options on any view for which you have write permission. You can set this option on an ancestor view, which allows all the descendant views to inherit these settings from their ancestor. Then, you can set different options on a descendant view that overrides the ancestor view's settings. You can open the view for which you want to set the options and make the changes as required.

You can delete the Link status option on the views for which you have write permission. You can use delete button in the Link status options dialogue box to delete the Link status options for the current view. If the Link status options deleted and saved the view, then the view inherits the options from the nearest ancestor view. If no ancestor view has Link status options configured, then the view uses the defaults set by the administrator.

User can perform the following procedure to set poll policies:


  1. In the GUI, navigate to the Network Views. Click Link status option button to open the Link status options dialogue box.
  2. If you color the links by poll policy value, you can select the policy you want to view by selecting the policy from Color links by this poll policy drop-down list.

    The list displays only the policies that are applicable to this view.

    The status line at the bottom right of the window displays which policy is being used to color links. If you are coloring the links on events, it displays as Link Status: Events.

  3. To choose whether high or low values represent a more severe problem for the policy, select High policy values are more severe or Low policy values are more severe in the Which policy values are more severe? section.
  4. You can choose the function that it uses to aggregate by selecting the following options:
    • Maximum: Highest value on any interface
    • Minimum: Lowest value on any interface
    • Sum: Total of the values on all the interfaces
    • Average: Arithmetic mean of the values on all the interfaces
    All of these functions ignore interfaces that do not currently have a value for the policy. When you hover the mouse over a link, the tooltip shows the aggregated policy value and the value of the policy on each interface.
  5. Select the option Thresholds scale to current values (to let the GUI work out the thresholds automatically based on the current values of the policy within the network view) or Thresholds are absolute (to enter your own thresholds).
    When you select Thresholds scale to current values, the GUI divides the range between the maximum and minimum policy values into equally-sized intervals. The GUI converts the policy value to a color based on thresholds. The colors are the same as those used for events.
  6. Click Apply and Close to save the options and exit the Link status options dialogue box.
    These settings are per-view, not per-user. If you have write permission on the view, you can save the settings to the database.