Modifying event map subscriptions

You can change the event maps that a plug-in subscribes to. For example, if you add a new event map and want the system to perform RCA on events handled by that event map, then you must add that event map to the subscription list for the RCA plug-in.

About this task

Use the script to modify event map subscriptions. The script is located at $NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/

To run the script to modify event map subscriptions, issue a command similar to the following. In this example the event map PnniIfState is added to the subscription list for the RCA plug-in.

$NCHOME/precision/perl/bin/ncp_perl $NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/ -domain NCOMS -plugin RCA -add -eventMap PnniIfState

Command-line options

The following table describes the command-line options for the script used in this example. For help, run the script as follows:
  • For a brief list of the available options, run the command without any options.
  • For a full set of command line options, run the script with the -help option.
Table 1. command-line options
Command-line option Description
-domain DomainName

Mandatory; the name of a domain related to the plug-in. This domain is used to enable the script to read the relevant DbLogins,cfg file in order to connect to and update the relevant Event Gateway plug-in databases. You must specify a domain, even if you want to change a value for plug-ins in all domains.

-plugin PluginName
Name of the plug-in.
Note: You can only run the script for one plug-in at a time.
Plug-in names for use in this command line option are as follows. If the plug-in name is made up of more than one word, then the name must be enclosed in double quotes; for example: "Adaptive Polling".
  • Adaptive Polling
  • Compatibility Check
  • Disco
  • Failover
  • PostNcimProcessing
  • RCA
  • SAE Aggregated Link
  • SAE IP Path
  • SAE ITNM Service
  • zNetView
-add For the specified plug-in or plug-ins, adds interest in the specified event map. Requires options -plugin and -eventMap to be specified.
-drop For the specified plug-in or plug-ins, removes interest in the specified event map.
-eventMap EventMapName Event map for which interest is to be added or deleted.