Listing plug-in information

You can list information on Event Gateway plug-ins. For example, you can list the event maps and event states that each plug-in subscribes to.

About this task

Use the script to list plug-in information, The script is located at $NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/

To run the script to list event map subscriptions, issue a command similar to the following. This example lists all event maps and event states subscribed to by the Disco plug-in.

$NCHOME/precision/bin/ncp_perl $NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/ -domain NCOMS -plugin Disco

Command-line options

The following table describes the command-line options for the script used in this example. For help, run the script as follows:
  • For a brief list of the available options, run the command without any options.
  • For a full set of command line options, run the script with the -help option.
Table 1. command-line options
Command-line option Description
-domain DomainName

Mandatory; the name of a domain related to the plug-in. This domain is used to enable the script to read the relevant DbLogins,cfg file in order to connect to and update the relevant Event Gateway plug-in databases. You must specify a domain, even if you want to change a value for plug-ins in all domains.

-plugin PluginName
Name of the plug-in.
Note: You can only run the script for one plug-in at a time.
Plug-in names for use in this command line option are as follows. If the plug-in name is made up of more than one word, then the name must be enclosed in double quotes; for example: "Adaptive Polling".
  • Adaptive Polling
  • Compatibility Check
  • Disco
  • Failover
  • PostNcimProcessing
  • RCA
  • SAE Aggregated Link
  • SAE IP Path
  • SAE ITNM Service
  • zNetView