Accessing the top-level online help

The top-level online help displays a table of contents view of all online help topics.

About this task

Access to the top-level help is enabled by default. Within the Contents tab of the top-level help, you can expand, collapse, and select topics to browse around all topics within the online help. Complete the following steps to access the top-level online help.


  1. Within the Dashboard Application Services Hub navigation bar, select the Help icon Top-level online help button . The Help menu displays.
  2. From the Help menu, select InfoCenter. The Help System window opens.
  3. Within the Help System window, select Using Network Manager.


The top-level online help for Network Manager is displayed.

What to do next

  • Within the Contents tab of the top-level help, expand, collapse, and select topics to browse around all topics within the online help.
  • Enter some text in the Search field to find any related online help.
  • Use the available icons in the Help System toolbar to print or bookmark topics, or to move forwards and backwards between topics.