Setting logging level for application segments

When a specific area requires enhanced troubleshooting, you can enable logging for GUI application segments.

Before you begin

Contact IBM® support to identify which application segments require logging to be set for problem determination.
Note: These changes are not persistent. If the system is restarted, all log settings for specific GUI application segments are removed. Logging levels set for the whole GUI component are not affected.


  1. In the navigation pane, click Settings > Websphere Administrative Console.
  2. Click Launch WebSphere administrative console to start the WebSphere® Application Server console.
  3. In the administrative console, click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace.
  4. In the list, click the name of the server Network Manager is running on.
  5. Click Change Log Detail Levels and then the Runtime tab.
  6. Locate the specific application segment name by scrolling down the list and expanding any item as necessary.
  7. Click the segment name and select the required logging level from the drop-down menu. Logging and trace level options are the same as for the GUI components.
    Note: By default, whatever is set in the GUI component .properties file is the default log and trace level for all relevant segments of that GUI component.
  8. View the corresponding GUI component log file to check the messages logged for the segment. For example view the ncp_disco.0.log or ncp_disco.0.trace files for discovery GUI segments.