Configuring the ObjectServer update interval field

You can configure the interval that the Event Gateway uses to queue event enrichment updates to the ObjectServer.

About this task

The default setting for the ObjectServer update interval is 5 seconds. You might want to alter this value to match the data flow on your system.
  • Increase the value to group together more event enrichment updates in a single ObjectServer update. This decreases the load on the ObjectServer but increases the delay in event enrichment updates on the ObjectServer
  • Decrease the value to speed up event enrichment updates to the ObjectServer. This increases the load on the ObjectServer, as it will have to manage more event enrichment updates.

The configuration file for the Event Gateway is the EventGatewaySchema.cfg configuration file. This file is located at: $NCHOME/etc/precision/EventGatewaySchema.cfg. The ObjectServer update interval is stored in the config.defaults table, in the field ObjectServerUpdateInterval.


  1. Open the EventGatewaySchema.cfg configuration file.
  2. Identify the insert statement into the config.defaults table.
    By default this insert statement has the following form:
    insert into config.defaults
    By default the ObjectServerUpdateInterval field is set to 5 seconds.
  3. Modify the value of the ObjectServerUpdateInterval field to the desired value, in seconds.