Configuring backups of the ncp_store cache

You can back up and restore the ncp_store cache, so that you have a copy of the topology.

About this task

When backups are configured, the RunCacheCopy.stch stitcher is called as part of the discovery. This stitcher runs the script, which backs up the cache files. You do not need to modify the stitcher or the script.

Cache files are copied from $NCHOME/var/precision/ to $NCHOME/var/precision/backup/StoreCacheBackup/. Within this directory, a subdirectory is created called Full_domain_timestamp.


  1. Backups are off by default. To enable and configure backups, edit the EventGatewaySchema.cfg file.
    1. Back up and edit the $NCHOME/etc/precision/EventGatewaySchema.cfg file.
    2. Locate the insert into the config.defaults database table and edit the values.
    3. Set backupDiscoveryCaches to 1 to enable the backups, or 0 to disable them.
    4. Set numberOfBackupsToKeep to the number of backups to keep. After this number of backups have been made, older ones are deleted.
  2. Restart the core components using the itnm_stop ncp and itnm_start ncp commands.
  3. To restore the backups:
    1. Shut down the core components using the itnm_stop ncp command.
    2. Copy the cache files from $NCHOME/var/precision/backup/StoreCacheBackup/ back to $NCHOME/var/precision/.
    3. Restart the core components using the itnm_start ncp command.