Sample queries for locating a specific device

To see whether a specific device has been discovered, you can use queries similar to these examples to search through the discovery data flow.

Sample: Identifying whether a device is present in the workingEntities database

The following example query determines if the device is present in the workingEntities database.

select * from workingEntities.finalEntity
where m_UniqueAddress ='';
( 0 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Sample: Identifying whether a device has been returned from the AssocAddress agent

If the device is not present in the workingEntities database, you can use the following example query to determine if the device has been returned from the AssocAddress agent.

select * from AssocAddress.returns
where m_UniqueAddress = '';
( 0 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Sample: Identifying whether a device has been returned from the Details agent

If the device has not been returned from the AssocAddress agent, you can use the following example query to determine if the device has been returned from the Details agent.

select * from Details.returns
where m_UniqueAddress = '';
( 0 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Sample: Identify whether a device has been sent to the Details agent

If the device has not been returned from the Details agent, you can check if the device has been sent to the Details agent by querying the Details.despatch table, as shown below. This result indicates that the device has been sent to the Details agent, but has not yet been processed.

select * from Details.despatch
where m_UniqueAddress='';
( 1 record(s) : Transaction complete )

Sample: Identifying whether a device has been discovered by the finders

If the device is not in the Details.despatch table, you can query the finders database, as shown below. This result shows that the device has been discovered by the finders.

select * from finders.processing
where m_UniqueAddress='';
( 1 record(s) : Transaction complete )

select * from finders.returns
where m_UniqueAddress='';
( 0 record(s) : Transaction complete )