Adding custom map layers

You can add custom layers to geographical maps. For example, you can add geographical information that is made available by a public server.

Before you begin

Configure an offline mapping provider, if you want the custom layer to be available offline. See Integrating an online or offline Web Map Service for more information.

About this task

V4.2 FixPack 4: You can define one or more custom layers and one base layer. Users can select different custom layers for their session in the geographical views.

The following mapping provider types are supported:
  • ArcGISRest
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Web Mapping Tile Service (WMTS)

To add a custom map layer, complete the following steps:


  1. Back up and edit the following file: $JazzSM_HOME/profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell/isc.ear/ncp_gis.war/resources/config.json
  2. Create a new customLayers section or uncomment one of the default sections, and specify the correct parameters.
    The WMS parameters that are accepted by OpenLayers are listed at The parameters that you must use are defined in the WMS request specification of your WMS server. Use the following syntax for parameters: "PARAM_NAME":"PARAM_VALUE". To avoid errors, use a validation tool to validate the JSON.

    The ArcGISRest parameters that are accepted by OpenLayers are listed at

    The WMTS parameters that are accepted by OpenLayers are listed at

    The following example configures parameters for one WMS custom layer, one ArcGISRest custom layer, and one WMTS custom layer.

    "customLayers": [
           "layerName": "Drainage Divisions",
           "layerType": "wms",
           "url": "",
           "params": {
              "LAYERS": "admin_bnds:ADD_2011_AUST"
       }, {
           "layerName": "Prohibited Areas",
           "layerType": "arcGISRest",
           "url": "",
           "params": {}
           "layerName": "New Zealand Earthquakes",
           "layerType": "wmts",
           "capabilities": {
                 "url": "",
                 "layer": "layer-7328",
                 "matrixSet": "EPSG:3857"

    If you do not supply any arcGISRest parameters, include the line but leave it empty: "params": {}. Removing or omitting sections from the file causes errors.

    The layerName parameter can be set to any unique descriptive value.

    For custom map layers, the layerType value must be one of the following supported values:
    • arcGISRest
    • wms
    • wmts

    Custom layers that have the selected parameter set to true are displayed by default in the geographical views. The user can show or hide any custom layers.

  3. Define multiple layers if you want. The z-index of the layers is defined by their position in the file. To display one custom layer above another layer, define it higher in the file. The topology layer is displayed on top of the other layers, and the base layer is displayed underneath the other layers.