Example generic threshold expression

Use this example generic threshold expression to understand how to compose complex generic threshold expressions.

Data types

Poll definitions can use data of type multibyte, long64, text, int, uint, and ulong64.

V4.2 FixPack 17:Decimal data in Hex string format can be automatically converted into the following data types: int, uint, long64, ulong64. For example: eval(int,"&SNMP.VALUE.cbgpPeer2LocalAddr")

Sample: cbgpRouteNextHop

The following expression shows an example of using the multibyte (hex string) data type. The expression checks for a BGP Next Hop that matches AC 14 A2 6D.

(eval(multibyte,'&SNMP.VALUE.cbgpRouteNextHop') like 'AC 14 A2 6D')

Sample: memoryPoll

The memoryPoll poll definition is one of the default poll definitions. This poll definition defines the checking of memory-pool usage for Cisco devices. An alert is raised when the memory pool usage exceeds 80%. The following expression shows how to use eval statements to define this condition and is defined within the Trigger Threshold tab under the Advanced radio button.

((eval(int,"&SNMP.VALUE.ciscoMemoryPoolValid") = 1)
(eval(long64,"&SNMP.VALUE.ciscoMemoryPoolFree") + eval(long64,"&SNMP.VALUE.ciscoMemoryPoolUsed")))*100
> 80))