dbModel.access table

The dbModel.access table configures database access.

The following table shows the schema for the dbModel.access database table.

Table 1. dbModel.access database table schema  

Column name


Data type


EnumGroupFilter NOT NULL Text Lists the enumerations groups that contain enumerations that can be used in the entity maps defined in the dbModel.entityMap table. The enumerations are defined in the enumerations table in the NCIM topology database.
TransactionLength NOT NULL Integer The number of SQL statements to execute within a single transaction during topology upload before committing.
WebTopDataSource NOT NULL Text The name of the Webtop Datasource to use. This value can be different from the ObjectServer name.
DomainHost   Text The hostname that Topoviz connects to. This is set in the entry for ncp_config in the ServiceData.cfg configuration file. This field should be left blank unless you need to overwrite this value.
DomainPort   Integer The port that Topoviz connects to. This is set in the entry for ncp_config in the ServiceData.cfg configuration file. This field should be left blank unless you need to overwrite this value.

Example: Using an enumeration group filter and entity map

In the workingEntities.finalEntity table, the OSPF interface type is stored in the m_OspfIfState enumerated list, which is contained in the m_ExtraInfo field. The value of the m_OspfIfState field is a single integer, for example, 3. m_OspfIfState corresponds to ospfIfState in the NCIM topology database. The enumerations for ospfIfState are defined for the enumGroup ospfIfType in the enumerations table in the NCIM database, as shown in the following example output:

> select * from enumerations where enumGroup = 'ospfIfType';
> go
| ospfIfType | 1       | broadcast         |                 |
| ospfIfType | 2       | nbma              |                 |
| ospfIfType | 3       | pointToPoint      |                 |
| ospfIfType | 5       | pointToMultipoint |                 |

The following example insert includes ospfIfType (shown here in bold type) in the enumerations to be downloaded:

insert into dbModel.access
    "enumGroup in ('ASN' , 'sysServices', 'ifAdminStatus', 'ifOperStatus', 
    'sysServices',  'ifType', 'ifOperStatusToOperationalStatus',
    'entPhysicalClass', 'cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus', 'cefcFRUPowerOperStatus', 
    'TruthValue','TruthValueString', 'entSensorType', 'entSensorScale', 
    'entSensorStatus', 'cefcModuleAdminStatus', 'cefcModuleOperStatus', 
    'ipForwarding', 'cefcPowerRedundancyMode', 'EntityType', 'ospfIfState', 
    'ospfIfType', 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus', 'accessProtocol', 'cdmDuplex', 

The following example insert into the dbModel.entityMap database shows m_ospfIfType (displayed in bold type) from the workingEntities.finalEntity table being mapped to the ospfIfType column in the ospfEndPoint table in the NCIM topology database.

insert into dbModel.entityMap
    "m_ObjectId = 'OSPF_PROTOCOL_ENDPOINT'",
        entityId         = "eval(int,  '&m_EntityId')",
        areaId           = "eval(text, '&m_ExtraInfo->m_AreaId')",
        ospfIfAdminStat  = "eval(int,  '&m_ExtraInfo->m_OspfIfAdminStat')",
        ospfIfState      = "eval(text, 'LOOKUP(&m_ExtraInfo->m_OspfIfState, &&ospfIfState)')",
        ospfIfType  = "eval(text, 'LOOKUP(&m_ExtraInfo->m_OspfIfType, &&ospfIfType)')",
        defaultCost      = "eval(int,  '&m_ExtraInfo->m_Cost')"

Because the enumeration for ospfIfType was downloaded, the integer value of ospfIfType from the workingEntities.finalEntity table is mapped to a meaningful string in the record in the NCIM topology database. For example, instead of 3, the value for the interface type is stored as pointToPoint.