config.serviceTypes table

The config.serviceTypes table contains configuration information for the SAE plug-in.

The table below describes columns in the config.serviceTypes table.

Table 1. Descriptions for the config.serviceTypes database table columns
Column Name Constraints Data type Description


Primary key

Not null


Represents the type of service; for example, "MPLS VPN Edge Service" or "IP Path". This string will appear in the eventId field of the SAE event in the ObjectServer and will also form part of the Summary field of the SAE event in the ObjectServer.


Not null


Used to specify the entity type that corresponds to the collection that the SAE will be generated for; for example 17 (VPN), 34 (ITNM Service), or 80 (IP Path).




Used to constrain the entries of interest in the collection table, if necessary. For example, for the table networkVpn, entries that have Type = 'MPLS Core' are excluded. In this case, the contraint filter is formulated as follows: "networkVpn->VPNTYPE <> 'MPLS Core'"




Used to specify where to obtain the customer name string to append to the Summary field of the event in the ObjectServer. For example, if the ServiceEntity record contains the field Customer then this can be used to retrieve a string such as "ACME Inc" from the ServiceEntity topology record. This example would take the form "entityData->DESCRIPTION".