ncp_webtool command-line options

Use the ncp_webtool command to run the Web tools on the backend server.

Usage considerations

The ncp_webtool process transfers the running of the Web tools to the backend server in environments where Topoviz is running on a different server to the Network Manager backend processes and there is a firewall between the two. This transfer makes the Web tools available across such distributed environments.

You do not need to interact directly with ncp_webtool process, because it is a sever-time application that runs without user input.

It is best practice to configure the ncp_ctrl process, the master process controller, to launch and manage the ncp_webtool process. You can configure the behavior of the process by using the command line options.

All command line options

Command line options are explained in the following table.

Table 1. Command line options
Option Explanation
-debug debug level Specifies the level of debugging output (1-4, where 4 represents the most detailed output).
-domain Required. Specifies the domain.
-help Displays the command line options.
-latency Specifies the network timeout value to use (in milliseconds).
-messagelevel message level
Specifies the message level to use for log files:
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal

The default is Warn.

-messagelog Displays the path to the message log file.
-version Displays the version number of the component.