ncp_poller command line options
Use the ncp_poller command to start the network polling engine.
Usage considerations
It is best practice to configure the ncp_ctrl process, the master process controller, to launch and manage the ncp_poller process.
Before you manually start the ncp_poller process, the following Network Manager processes must be running:
- The ncp_model process must be running in order to pass the network topology to the polling subsystem.
- The Probe for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus must be running to transfer events to the ObjectServer.
Example commands
The following example command starts the ncp_poller process in the domain NCOMS:
ncp_poller –domain NCOMS
All command line options
The following table describes all the command line options.
Option | Explanation |
-admin | -noadmin |
Use the -admin option to configure this instance of the Polling engine, ncp_poller, to perform administrative functions, such as updating the monitoring view caches, and performing monitoring of the poll data tables. Use the -noadmin option to configure this instance of ncp_poller not to perform administrative functions. If you do not specify the -admin option or the -noadmin option, the poller behaves as if the -admin option is specified. If you are using multiple pollers, start one of the pollers with the -admin option and the other pollers with the -noadmin option. For performance reasons, the poller with the smallest polling load is usually started with the -admin option. |
-debug DEBUG | The level of debugging output (1-4, where 4 represents the most detailed output). |
-deregister | Deregisters a poller. Any polls assigned to a poller that is not registered will not run. |
-domain DOMAIN_NAME | Required. The name of the domain under which to run this instance of ncp_poller. |
-force | Forces deregistration of the poller. Deletes all polling policies assigned to the named poller. |
-help | Prints out a synopsis of all command-line options for this instance of ncp_poller then exits. |
-latency LATENCY |
The maximum time in milliseconds (ms) that this instance of ncp_poller process waits for a response to a query of another Network Manager process. This option is useful for large and busy networks where the default settings can cause the process to assume that there is a problem when in fact the communication delay is a result of network traffic. For large topologies, make sure you set a value of at least a few minutes. |
-logdir | The directory to write process log files to. |
-messagelevel MESSAGELEVEL |
The level of messages to be logged (the default is warn):
-messagelog PATHTOLOGFILE |
The path to the message log file. |
-name | Run as a named poller. Only polls assigned to this poller will be run. |
-readsnmpconfig | Instructs the poller to read the configuration from the SnmpStackSecurityInfo.cfg file and write it to the configuration database. |
-register | Registers the poller. Pollers must be registered before polls can be assigned to them. |
-version | Prints the version number of ncp_poller then exits. |