Configuring the monitoring agent

You only install the agent once, but you configure one instance of the agent for each Network Managerdomain.

About this task

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring documentation for information about configuring the monitoring agent using the itmcmd config; the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services user interface; or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

To configure the agent from the command line, complete the following steps:


  1. Run the following command to instantiate an instance of the agent:
    $ITMHOME/bin/itmcmd config -A np

    Where ITMHOME is the installation path of the agent.

  2. Choose a name for each monitoring agent and enter the name in the Instance name field. Define a new agent instance for each Network Manager domain.

    The instance name can be any unique meaningful name. For example, the instance name of each agent could include the name of the poller with which it is associated.


    If you use multiple pollers, and you want to monitor the pollers individually using the Availability workspace, you must define a unique name for the pollers by editing the knp.ref file. For more information on how to edit the knp.ref file to name the pollers, see the following technote:

  3. Specify a value for NCHOME Path. The default is /opt/IBM/netcool/core.
  4. Specify a Network Manager domain name. The default is NCOMS.
  5. Specify a value for the Network Manager poller name. If you leave this field blank, the agent is mapped to the default poller. If you have more than one poller, you must specify a value. This field is empty if you are not using distributed polling.
  6. Specify a username for the Network Manager OQL database. By default, the username is admin.
  7. Specify a username for the Network Manager OQL database. This password is empty by default.
  8. Specify a refresh interval in minutes. The default value is 10. This number specifies the maximum amount of time, in minutes, before data is cached. If you specify a value of zero, then a database query is done each time data is requested. Otherwise, a database query is done at the specified time interval. Specifying a low number can impact performance for the Network Manager server because some queries require a significant amount of processing time.
  9. Select Yes to connect the agent to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
  10. Specify the DNS name for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server when you are prompted for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Host Name.
    Note: Do not specify the name of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Specify the DNS name.
  11. Unless your IBM Tivoli Monitoring administrator gives you different settings, accept the defaults for the following options:
    • Network Protocol. The default is ip.pipe.
    • Choose the next protocol from the following options:
      • sna
      • ip.spipe
      • 0 (none)
      • Network Protocol 2 (The default value is 0)
      • IP.PIPE Port Number (The default value is: 1918)
    • KDC_PARTITION (The default value is null.)
    • Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (The default value is 2.)
    • Optional Primary Network Name (The default value is 0 or none.)
  12. Optional: For a non-root installation only, you must complete the following extra tasks:
    1. Specify the root password to update the automatic restart scripts.
    2. As the root user, run the ITMHOME/bin/SetPerm from the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is installed.
    3. As the root user, run the ITMHOME/bin/ script from the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is installed.

      If you are running the SetPerm utility on AIX 6.X or 7.X, you must select the AIX 5.X options.

  13. Repeat this whole procedure to configure an instance of the agent for each Network Manager domain. Use different poller names for each agent instance.

What to do next

After you have configured IBM Tivoli Monitoring for IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition, you can enable the Health views and launch in context from Tivoli Enterprise Portal.