Upgrading Netezza Performance Server and Persistent Transient Storage (PTS)

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Learn how to upgrade Netezza Performance Server and Persistent Transient Storage (PTS) if you are on a version of Netezza Performance Server that uses Cloud Pak for Data System or lower.

Note: These systems already have a PTS-based replication deployed (Netezza Performance Server Replication Services 1.6). NRS 1.6 goes end-of-service together with PureData System for Analytics.
Before you proceed with the upgrade, take note of these points:
  1. Do this procedure only if you have the replication environment set up.
  2. If you upgrade Netezza Performance Server, you must also upgrade the PTS (replication log server) software.
  3. Upgrade Netezza Performance Server first, then the replication log server (PTS).
  4. For a Netezza Performance Server upgrade, all subordinate systems must be the same as the primary system.
  5. Both primary system and subordinate system must be upgraded.
  6. No pending transactions are allowed. The CSNs must be the same.


  1. For an Netezza Performance Server upgrade, ensure that all subordinate systems are the same as the primary system.
    Run the command on subordinate and primary systems.
    nzsql -c "select NODE_ROLE,NODE_CSN from _v_replication_sync"
  2. Suspend replication on all nodes.
    Run the command on each node, starting with the primary one.
    nzsql -c "ALTER REPLICATION NODE repslet.<nodename> STATE SUSPENDED;"
  3. Follow the software upgrade steps as described in Upgrading Netezza Performance Server. Do the upgrade on the primary and subordinate nodes.
  4. When all the upgrade steps are completed on the primary and subordinate systems, copy the PTS upgrade binary files on the PTS log server.
    The PTS upgrade binaries are in the /nz/kit/pts/ directory on Netezza Performance Server.

    Stand-alone means that there is one PTS node per primary and subordinate node.

    Note: For a cluster PTS setup, for example, PTS in HA environment with HA1 and HA2 for primary PTS and HA1 and HA2 for SUB PTS, follow the instructions in Upgrading PTS in cluster environment.
    1. On the replication log server host, log in as the root user.
    2. If you are upgrading from 11.0.X to 11.2.X, uninstall pts on the PTS log server:
      Select Y if you are prompted for confirmation.
    3. Run the following command.
      export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
    4. Copy the PTS software installation files, pts.tar and installpts, to the replication log server.

      You can find the PTS upgrade binary files under the /nz/kit/pts/ directory on the Netezza Performance Server servers.

      mkdir /tmp/pts
      scp nz@NPSHOST:/nz/kit/pts/* nz@pts:/tmp/pts
    5. Change directories to the destination directory where you copied the files.
      cd /tmp/pts
    6. Run installpts standalone to install or update the PTS service software.
      ./installpts standalone -c
    7. Confirm that the ptsd service is running.
      service ptsd status
    8. After you installed the PTS software, switch to the nz user.
      su - nz
    9. Verify the version.
      export PATH=/opt/ibm/nzpts/bin/:$PATH
    10. Repeat steps a - i on subordinate PTS servers.
  5. Start Netezza Performance Server on the primary and subordinate nodes.
  6. Activate the replication services on primary and the subordinate when Netezza Performance Server is online.
    nzsql -c "ALTER REPLICATION NODE repslet.<nodename> STATE ACTIVE;"
  7. Check the replication state.
    nzsql -c "SELECT * FROM _v_replication_sync;"