Table Table
If you are the user admin, you can use the nzstats command to display the Table Table, which displays information about database tables.
The Table Table has the following columns:
Column | Description |
DB ld | The ID corresponding to the database for this table. |
DB Name | The name of the database. |
Table Id | A unique value for this table. |
Table Name | The name of this table. |
Table Display Name | The display name of this table. |
Create Date | The date and time that this table was created. |
Type | The type of this table (table, view) expressed as its type integer. |
Num Columns | The number of table columns. |
Row Size | The length of a table row. |
Disk Space | The total disk space that is used to store this table in KB. You can use the -allocationUnit option to show the disk space that is used in extents or blocks. |
Avg Space Per DS | The average disk space that is used by each dataslice of the table in KB. |
Max Space Per DS | The disk space that is used by the largest dataslice for the table in KB. |
Max Space DS Id | The ID of the largest data slice. |
Min Space Per DS | The disk space that is used by the smallest dataslice for the table in KB. |
Min Space DS Id | The ID of the smallest data slice. |
Space Skew | The ratio that shows how disparate the dataslice sizes are as calculated by (maximum dataslice size - minimum dataslice size) / average dataslice size. |