Host Mgmt Channel Table

The Host Mgmt Channel Table displays information about the system's management channel from the host's viewpoint.

Host Mgmt Channel Table has the following columns:
Table 1. Host Management Channel Table
Column Description
Host ID The index into the host table. Always 1.
In Bytes The total number of bytes received.
In Bytes-64 A 64-bit version of the In Bytes managed object, which is updated every 15 seconds.
In Byte Rate The previous 1-minute average rate of bytes received (15-seconds granularity).
In Pkts The total number of packets received.
In Acks The total number of ACK packets received.
In Msgs The total number of messages received.
In Msg Rate The previous 1-minute average rate of messages received (15-seconds granularity).
In Msg Q Len The length of the receive packet queue for messages that are being assembled.
In Errors The number of inbound errors encountered.
Out Bytes The total number of bytes sent.
Out Bytes-64 A 64-bit version of the Out Bytes managed object, which is updated every 15 seconds.
Out Byte Rate The previous 1-minute average rate of bytes sent (15-seconds granularity).
Out Pkts The total number of packets sent.
Out Unicasts The total number of unicast packets sent.
Out Broadcasts The total number of broadcast packets sent.
Out Acks The total number of ACK packets sent.
Out Msgs The total number of messages sent.
Out Msg Rate The previous 1-minute average rate of messages sent (15-seconds granularity).
Out Msg Q Len The length of the send packet queue.
Out Errors The number of outbound errors encountered.
Out Retransmits The total number of outbound retransmissions.
Out Retransmit Rate The previous 1-minute average rate of retransmissions (15-seconds granularity).
Out Retransmit Q Len The number of entries in the retransmit queue.