Examples of the nz_azConnector command

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data

This section demonstrates and discusses sample commands, which you can use to upload existing backups that are present on a file system to Azure Blob Storage, and to download backups from Azure Blob Storage to a file system on host.

Starting from version, nz_azconnector is called nz_azConnector.

This backup can be later restored by using the nzrestore command with a file system or the Azure storage connector.

Azure Blob Storage

Version and higher:
Uploading to Azure
To upload items to Azure, run:
$ ./nz_azConnector -db=SRCDB -dir=/nzscratch/backups -npshost=hostname -storage-account=mycontainer -key=xxxxx  -container=abcd -upload -backupset=xxxxx -uniqueid=SAMPLEBKUP -logfiledir=/tmp -streams=8 -paralleljobs=8  -blocksize=50
Downloading to Azure
To download items to Azure, run:
$ ./nz_azConnector -db=SRCDB -dir=/nzscratch/restore -npshost=hostname -storage-account=mycontainer -key=xxxxx  -container=abcd -download -backupset=xxxxx -uniqueid=SAMPLEBKUP -logfiledir=/tmp -streams=12 -paralleljobs=10 -blocksize=50
Version and lower:
Uploading to Azure
To upload items to Azure, run:
$ go run nz_azconnector.go -db=SRCDB-dir=/nzscratch/backups -npshost=hostname-storage-account=mycontainer -key=xxxxx -container=abcd-upload -backupset=xxxxx-uniqueid=SAMPLEBKUP -logfiledir=/tmp-streams=8-paralleljobs=8-blocksize=50Download
Downloading to Azure
To download items to Azure, run:
$ go run nz_azconnector.go -db=SRCDB-dir=/nzscratch/restore-npshost=hostname-storage-account=mycontainer -key=xxxxx -container=abcd -download -backupset=xxxxx-uniqueid=SAMPLEBKUP -logfiledir=/tmp-streams=12-paralleljobs=10-blocksize=50