Platform and Netezza Performance Server software expansion

Platform expansion overview

Hardware / Platform Expansion: Physically adding and connecting enclosures that hold additional SPU (Snippet Processing Units) nodes, and configuring the new nodes.

After you have chosen a redistribution method, and after the new CPDS enclosures have been physically installed and connected, CPDS Platform Expansion and NPS Software Expansion will be performed. Platform Expansion will provision the new CPDS hardware nodes in the new enclosures as NPS “SPU” nodes.

In platform expansion:
  1. Convert the new UNSET nodes to SPU nodes.

    Download the following tgz file and upload to the system: nps_expansion_icpds1.0- .

  2. Copy the tgz file on e1n1 bare metal node and extract contents by using following command:
        tar -xzf nps_expansion_icpds1.0- -C /tmp/
  3. From e1n1 (Bare metal node as root) in screen:
        /tmp/nps_expansion_icpds1.0- -n e{X..Y}n{1..4}

    X: Start number of enclosure from which expansion needs to be performed.

    Y: End number of enclosure until which expansion needs to be performed.

    For example:
        /tmp/nps_expansion_icpds1.0- -n e{5..6}n{1..4}
  4. Power on SPU nodes (just before next step).
    for node in e{X..Y}n{1..4}bmc; do echo $node; ipmitool -I lanplus -H $node -U USERID -P PASSW0RD power on ; done
        for node in e{X..Y}n{1..4}bmc; do echo $node; ipmitool -I lanplus -H $node -U USERID -P PASSW0RD power status ; done
    Example: Redistributing 2 enclosures 5th & 6th with:
     for node in e{5..6}n{1..4}bmc; do echo $node; ipmitool -I lanplus -H $node -U USERID -P PASSW0RD power on ; done
        for node in e{5..6}n{1..4}bmc; do echo $node; ipmitool -I lanplus -H $node -U USERID -P PASSW0RD power status ; done
    Tip: Once new UNSET nodes are power ON, wait for 10 minutes.
  5. Perform expansion.
    1. If owned by root, change ownership of bmc_map file to nz:nz.
      chown nz:nz /nz/data.1.0/bmc_map
      #ls -l /nz/data.1.0/bmc_map
      -rw-r--r-- 1 nz nz 771 Aug 17 11:01 /nz/data.1.0/bmc_map
      Stop following services inside IPS container before starting nzredrexpand
      • Disable and stop crond
        systemctl stop cron
        systemctl disable cron
      • Stop restService
        systemctl stop restService
        Note: The above services must be started after completion of nzredrexpand.
    2. Run expand commands as nz user inside container.
      1. Start
        • Once the process is started, it cannot be restarted.
        • This is a long running process.
        • This command needs to execute nzredrexpand only once. If this process failed, do not execute start script nzredrexpand again. Use resume command nzredrexpand --resume to resume process.
        • If you run nzredrexpand process again without resume option, then it impacts the expansion state.
      2. Status
         /nz/kit/share/install/scripts/nzredrexpand --status
      3. Resume
         /nz/kit/share/install/scripts/nzredrexpand --resume

Netezza Performance Server software expansion overview

Software expansion is updating NPS system configuration and “topology” meta-data to represent the additional SPUs, their attached NVMe disks, and the number and location of additional “data slices”. Optionally, if the you chose offline redistribution, redistribute all tables while Netezza Performance Server is still unavailable for client workloads.