Installing and configuring JDBC

The JDBC specification defines an API for the Java™ programming environment that Java programmers can use to access relational databases and issue SQL statements.

Note: As compared to IBM® PureData® System for Analytics, 11.X drivers are based on RHEL 7 and require GLIBC_2.14.

The JDBC driver does NOT support SSLv3 connection, as Java 8 update 31 disables SSLv3 support as default.

When you run an application that tries to use JDBC, you are prompted for a value called Class Name. For the Netezza driver, enter org.netezza.Driver.

Before you use JDBC, verify that your system has the Java runtime environment installed. You need Java 1.7 or higher. For more information, go to the Java website, where you can test your system for Java software support and download the latest version for your system.