Mounting PureData System for Analytics storage to connector nodes

Deployment options: Netezza Performance Server for Cloud Pak for Data System

Learn how to mount the SAN storage from PureData System for Analytics on Cloud Pak for Data System 1.0.X by using the connector node so that you can restore your data from PureData System for Analytics to Netezza Performance Server.

Note: If you are on Cloud Pak for Data System 2.0.X, see Deploying backup and restore setups instead.


  1. SSH to e1n1 on Cloud Pak for Data System and identify the connector node.
    ap node
    [root@e1n1 ~]# ap node
    | Node             |     State | Personality   | Monitored | Is Master |
    | enclosure1.node1 |   ENABLED | CONTROL       |       YES |       YES |
    | enclosure1.node2 |   ENABLED | CONTROL       |       YES |        NO |
    | enclosure1.node3 |   ENABLED | CONTROL       |       YES |        NO |
    | enclosure1.node4 |   ENABLED | WORKER        |       YES |        NO |
    | enclosure2.node1 |   ENABLED | WORKER        |       YES |        NO |
    | enclosure2.node2 |   ENABLED | WORKER        |       YES |        NO |
    | enclosure2.node3 | UNMANAGED | VDB[IPS1NODE] |        NO |        NO |
    | enclosure2.node4 | UNMANAGED | VDB[IPS1NODE] |        NO |        NO |
    | enclosure3.node1 |   ENABLED | CN,VDB_HOST   |       YES |        NO |

    The connector node is marked CN in the Personality column. In this example, the connector node is marked as enclosure3.node1 (e3n1). You might have more than one connector node on the system.

  2. ssh to the first connector node.
    [root@e1n1 ~]# ssh e3n1
    Last login: Mon Aug 16 07:43:31 2021 from e1n1
  3. On the connecTor node, add a device for your specific storage device by editing /etc/multipath.conf.

    The multipath.conf file is a standard file with device structure built in. Some devices are already covered in the file. Do not change the defaults or blacklist sections. Add an extra device section only if you need to.

    Usually, you can obtain the device information from the storage vendor. If you are already using that device on PureData System for Analytics, you can get the information from that system from /etc/multipath.conf.

    Following is an example of the multipath.conf file on Cloud Pak for Data System.
    [root@e3n1 ~]# cat /etc/multipath.conf
    defaults {
        path_selector           "round-robin 0"
        path_grouping_policy    multibus
        uid_attribute        ID_SERIAL
        prio                    const
        path_checker            readsector0
        rr_min_io               100
        max_fds                 8192
        rr_weight               priorities
        failback                immediate
        no_path_retry           fail
        user_friendly_names     no
        find_multipaths yes
        polling_interval 5 # Added from RH
        fast_io_fail_tmo 5 # Added from RH
        dev_loss_tmo infinity # Added from RH
    checker_timeout 15 # Added from RH
    devices {
        device {
            vendor "IBM"
            product "FlashSystem-9840"
            path_selector "service-time 0"
            path_grouping_policy multibus
            path_checker tur
            rr_min_io_rq 4
            rr_weight uniform
            no_path_retry fail
            failback immediate
        device {
             vendor "IBM"
             product "2145"
             path_grouping_policy "group_by_prio"
             path_selector "service-time 0"
             prio "alua"
             path_checker "tur"
             failback "immediate"
             no_path_retry fail
             rr_weight uniform
             rr_min_io_rq "1"
    blacklist {
        device {
            vendor "IBM"
            product "IPR-10 761E9100"
        device {
            vendor "ATA"
            product "ThinkSystem M.2"
  4. Confirm that your storage devices are seen on the connector node by running the lsblk or lsscsi command.
    If the storage devices are not seen, do the following steps.
    1. Verify with your storage administrator that the WWPNs for the connector nodes' FC HBAs are added to the storage box hosts list to allow access.
      To retrieve these port names, on each connector node on your system, run the following command.
      cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name
      [root@e3n1 ~]# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name

      If you have two connector nodes, there are 8-port names in total. You can add as many ports out of the available port names as you want. The more, the better.

    2. Check whether your FC connections have link. Check on your storage end, FC switch end, and run the command.
      cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_state
      [root@e3n1 ~]# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_state
      [root@e3n1 ~]# cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/speed
      16 Gbit
      16 Gbit
      16 Gbit
      16 Gbit

      16 Gbit is not necessary. The ports can support up to 32 Gbit.

    3. If the ports are added, you have link, and you still do not see your storage devices on the connector nodes, run the following command.
      echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host18/issue_lip
      $ echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host18/issue_lip
      $ echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host19/issue_lip
      $ echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host20/issue_lip
      $ echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host21/issue_lip
      $ /usr/bin/ --hosts={18,19,20,21}
      $ systemctl reload multipathd
      $ multipath -v3
    4. Run lsblk or lsscsi again. If your storage devices are still not shown when you run the commands, restart with the following commands.
      1. For each connector node, from e1n1, run the command.
        ap apps disable vdb
        To verify that the VDB state is DISABLED, run the command.
        ap apps
      2. Disable each connector node that you have.
        ap node disable NODE_NAME
        To verify that the state is DISABLED, run the command.
        ap node NODE_NAME 
      3. Restart each connector node.

        The storage devices are visible now.

      4. For each connector node, from e1n1, run the command.
        ap node enable CONNECTOR_NODE_NAME
        To verify that the nodes are ENABLED, run the commands.
        ap apps enable vdb
        ap apps
      5. From e1n1, verify that the first connector node has the CN,VDB_HOST role.
        ap node
  5. As root, verify the results.
    1. lsblk
      [root@e3n1 ~]# lsblk
      NAME                                            MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
      sda                                               8:0    0 447.1G  0 disk
      ├─sda1                                            8:1    0  1000M  0 part  /boot
      ├─sda2                                            8:2    0  97.7G  0 part  /var/lib/docker
      ├─sda3                                            8:3    0  48.8G  0 part  [SWAP]
      ├─sda4                                            8:4    0     1K  0 part
      ├─sda5                                            8:5    0  39.1G  0 part  /var
      ├─sda6                                            8:6    0  29.3G  0 part  /home
      ├─sda7                                            8:7    0  29.3G  0 part  /tmp
      ├─sda8                                            8:8    0   4.9G  0 part  /var/log/audit
      └─sda9                                            8:9    0 197.1G  0 part  /
      sdb                                               8:16   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdc                                               8:32   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdd                                               8:48   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sde                                               8:64   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdf                                               8:80   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdg                                               8:96   0     5T  0 disk
      ├─sdg1                                            8:97   0     5T  0 part
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdh                                               8:112  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdi                                               8:128  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdj                                               8:144  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdk                                               8:160  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdl                                               8:176  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdm                                               8:192  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdn                                               8:208  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdo                                               8:224  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdp                                               8:240  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdq                                              65:0    0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdr                                              65:16   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sds                                              65:32   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdt                                              65:48   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdu                                              65:64   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdv                                              65:80   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdw                                              65:96   0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdx                                              65:112  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdy                                              65:128  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdz                                              65:144  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdaa                                             65:160  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdab                                             65:176  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      sdac                                             65:192  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdad                                             65:208  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdae                                             65:224  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdaf                                             65:240  0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b             253:1    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1          253:2    0     5T  0 part
      sdag                                             66:0    0     5T  0 disk
      └─360050768818134588000000001000023             253:3    0     5T  0 mpath
        └─360050768818134588000000001000023p1         253:4    0     5T  0 part
      nvme0n1                                         259:0    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme1n1                                         259:2    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme2n1                                         259:4    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme3n1                                         259:7    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme4n1                                         259:1    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme5n1                                         259:5    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme6n1                                         259:6    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
        └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      nvme7n1                                         259:3    0   3.5T  0 disk
      └─md0                                             9:0    0    21T  0 raid6
      └─raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv 253:0    0    21T  0 lvm   /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
    2. multipath -ll
      [root@e3n1 ~]# multipath -ll
      360050768818134588000000001000023 dm-3 IBM     ,FlashSystem-9840
      size=5.0T features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
      `-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=1 status=active
        |- 19:0:0:0 sdb     8:16   active ready running
        |- 19:0:5:0 sdg     8:96   active ready running
        |- 19:0:6:0 sdh     8:112  active ready running
        |- 19:0:7:0 sdi     8:128  active ready running
        |- 18:0:0:0 sdj     8:144  active ready running
        |- 18:0:1:0 sdk     8:160  active ready running
        |- 18:0:2:0 sdl     8:176  active ready running
        |- 18:0:5:0 sdo     8:224  active ready running
        |- 21:0:0:0 sdr     65:16  active ready running
        |- 21:0:1:0 sds     65:32  active ready running
        |- 21:0:2:0 sdt     65:48  active ready running
        |- 21:0:7:0 sdy     65:128 active ready running
        |- 20:0:1:0 sdaa    65:160 active ready running
        |- 20:0:0:0 sdz     65:144 active ready running
        |- 20:0:2:0 sdab    65:176 active ready running
        `- 20:0:7:0 sdag    66:0   active ready running
      360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b dm-1 IBM     ,FlashSystem-9840
      size=5.0T features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
      `-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=1 status=active
        |- 19:0:1:0 sdc     8:32   active ready running
        |- 19:0:2:0 sdd     8:48   active ready running
        |- 19:0:3:0 sde     8:64   active ready running
        |- 19:0:4:0 sdf     8:80   active ready running
        |- 18:0:4:0 sdn     8:208  active ready running
        |- 18:0:3:0 sdm     8:192  active ready running
        |- 18:0:7:0 sdq     65:0   active ready running
        |- 18:0:6:0 sdp     8:240  active ready running
        |- 21:0:4:0 sdv     65:80  active ready running
        |- 21:0:3:0 sdu     65:64  active ready running
        |- 21:0:5:0 sdw     65:96  active ready running
        |- 21:0:6:0 sdx     65:112 active ready running
        |- 20:0:3:0 sdac    65:192 active ready running
        |- 20:0:4:0 sdad    65:208 active ready running
        |- 20:0:5:0 sdae    65:224 active ready running
        `- 20:0:6:0 sdaf    65:240 active ready running
    3. ll /dev/mapper/
      [root@e3n1 ~]# ll /dev/mapper/
      total 0
      lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:08 360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b -> ../dm-1
      lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:07 360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1 -> ../dm-2
      lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:08 360050768818134588000000001000023 -> ../dm-3
      lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:07 360050768818134588000000001000023p1 -> ../dm-4
      crw-------. 1 root root 10, 236 Aug 12 17:29 control
      lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 09:32 raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv -> ../dm-0
  6. As root, list the PVs on the system.
      1. pvscan --cache
      2. pvscan
      3. pvs
      [root@e3n1 ~]# pvscan --cache
      [root@e3n1 ~]# pvscan
        PV /dev/md0   VG raid6_nzscratch_vg   lvm2 [20.96 TiB / 0    free]
        Total: 1 [20.96 TiB] / in use: 1 [20.96 TiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]
      [root@e3n1 ~]# pvs
        PV         VG                 Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
        /dev/md0   raid6_nzscratch_vg lvm2 a--  20.96t    0
    1. df -h
      [root@e3n1 ~]# df -h
      Filesystem                                               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      devtmpfs                                                  95G     0   95G   0% /dev
      tmpfs                                                     95G   24K   95G   1% /dev/shm
      tmpfs                                                     95G  7.0M   95G   1% /run
      tmpfs                                                     95G     0   95G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
      /dev/sda9                                                194G   14G  171G   8% /
      /dev/sda1                                                969M  121M  782M  14% /boot
      /dev/sda6                                                 29G  286M   27G   2% /home
      /dev/sda5                                                 38G  7.8G   29G  22% /var
      /dev/sda8                                                4.7G  1.1G  3.5G  23% /var/log/audit
      /dev/sda7                                                 29G  834M   27G   3% /tmp
      platform                                                 3.0T  386G  2.6T  13% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/platform
      ips                                                      5.9T   56G  5.9T   1% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/ips
      /dev/sda2                                                 98G  2.0G   96G   3% /var/lib/docker
      /dev/mapper/raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv   21T   34M   21T   1% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      overlay                                                   98G  2.0G   96G   3% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/29664a900b8c96c105e1e616f66693ddede981f42e9944f6f2001f6208d71a9e/merged
      shm                                                      127G     0  127G   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/44aceb70059daf24a59de5f5847d366d9068c9c6403ca578423a63832ad2c467/shm
      tmpfs                                                     19G     0   19G   0% /run/user/0
    2. ap apps
      [root@e3n1 ~]# ap apps
      Management service is not running on node localhost.
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:28:22
  7. Edit the LVM configuration file on the connector nodes to allow discovering LVM.
    Note: This step is needed only if you followed on your PureData System for Analytics, and you ran Step 3. Configuring LVM.
    1. As root, run the following command.
      vi /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
    2. Search for filter = and comment out anything that is not already commented out.
    3. Set filter.
      filter = [ "a|/dev/sda|", "a|/dev/mapper/*|" , "r/block/", "r/disk/", "r/sd.*/", "a/.*/" ]
    4. Search for global_filter = and comment out anything that is not already commented out.
    5. Set global_filter.
      global_filter = [ "a|.*/|" ]
  8. Scan for LVM and activate it.
      1. pvscan
      2. pvdisplay
      [root@e3n1 ~]# pvscan
        PV /dev/md0                                          VG raid6_nzscratch_vg   lvm2 [20.96 TiB / 0    free]
        PV /dev/mapper/360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1    VG vg0                  lvm2 [5.00 TiB / 0    free]
        PV /dev/mapper/360050768818134588000000001000023p1                           lvm2 [5.00 TiB]
        Total: 3 [30.96 TiB] / in use: 2 [25.96 TiB] / in no VG: 1 [5.00 TiB]
      [root@e3n1 ~]# pvdisplay
        --- Physical volume ---
        PV Name               /dev/md0
        VG Name               raid6_nzscratch_vg
        PV Size               20.96 TiB / not usable 3.88 MiB
        Allocatable           yes (but full)
        PE Size               4.00 MiB
        Total PE              5494051
        Free PE               0
        Allocated PE          5494051
      PV UUID               rrsIP8-45gD-rvR6-XGoL-5gQK-cCDo-hegTnk
        --- Physical volume ---
        PV Name               /dev/mapper/360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1
        VG Name               vg0
        PV Size               5.00 TiB / not usable 511.95 MiB
        Allocatable           yes (but full)
        PE Size               512.00 MiB
        Total PE              10239
        Free PE               0
        Allocated PE          10239
        PV UUID               PScH2q-hE7A-TShG-LJTd-J46c-T6yn-BhoBov
        "/dev/mapper/360050768818134588000000001000023p1" is a new physical volume of "5.00 TiB"
        --- NEW Physical volume ---
        PV Name               /dev/mapper/360050768818134588000000001000023p1
        VG Name
        PV Size               5.00 TiB
        Allocatable           NO
        PE Size               0
        Total PE              0
        Free PE               0
        Allocated PE          0
        PV UUID               mcJkJ2-Xpff-9qqH-4Jb0-s8Gj-oboj-n65vdV
    1. vgscan
      [root@e3n1 ~]# vgscan
      Reading volume groups from cache.
      Found volume group "raid6_nzscratch_vg" using metadata type lvm2
      Found volume group "vg0" using metadata type lvm2
    2. lvscan
      [root@e3n1 ~]# lvscan
        ACTIVE            '/dev/raid6_nzscratch_vg/raid6_nzscratch_local_lv' [20.96 TiB] inherit
        inactive          '/dev/vg0/lvol0' [5.00 TiB] inherit
    3. lvs
      [root@e3n1 ~]# lvs
        LV                       VG                 Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        raid6_nzscratch_local_lv raid6_nzscratch_vg -wi-ao---- 20.96t
        lvol0                    vg0                -wi-------  5.00t
    4. vgs
      [root@e3n1 ~]# vgs
        VG                 #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
        raid6_nzscratch_vg   1   1   0 wz--n- 20.96t    0
        vg0                  1   1   0 wz--n-  5.00t    0
    5. vgchange -ay
      [root@e3n1 ~]# vgchange -ay
        1 logical volume(s) in volume group "raid6_nzscratch_vg" now active
        1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg0" now active
      [root@e3n1 ~]# lvs
        LV                       VG                 Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        raid6_nzscratch_local_lv raid6_nzscratch_vg -wi-ao---- 20.96t
        lvol0                    vg0                -wi-a-----  5.00t
    6. lvdisplay
      [root@e3n1 ~]# lvdisplay
        --- Logical volume ---
        LV Path                /dev/raid6_nzscratch_vg/raid6_nzscratch_local_lv
        LV Name                raid6_nzscratch_local_lv
        VG Name                raid6_nzscratch_vg
        LV UUID                LCSTTd-xpYP-e26n-SgT5-VJdW-g2bH-9X5rRg
        LV Write Access        read/write
        LV Creation host, time e3n1, 2021-08-13 09:32:45 -0400
        LV Status              available
        # open                 1
        LV Size                20.96 TiB
        Current LE             5494051
        Segments               1
        Allocation             inherit
        Read ahead sectors     auto
        - currently set to     8192
        Block device           253:0
        --- Logical volume ---
        LV Path                /dev/vg0/lvol0
        LV Name                lvol0
        VG Name                vg0
        LV UUID                H2Dyjk-L8cz-XY6I-Bqpe-89ty-4Scs-fbCHW8
        LV Write Access        read/write
        LV Creation host, time Q100M-6-H1, 2021-08-15 23:09:36 -0400
        LV Status              available
        # open                 0
        LV Size                5.00 TiB
        Current LE             10239
        Segments               1
        Allocation             inherit
        Read ahead sectors     auto
        - currently set to     8192
        Block device           253:5
  9. Verify that your LVM device from your remote storage is present in /dev/mapper/vg0-lvol0.
    ll /dev/mapper/
    [root@e3n1 ~]# ll /dev/mapper/
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:08 360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b -> ../dm-1
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:07 360050764e9b5d884e80000000100000b1 -> ../dm-2
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:08 360050768818134588000000001000023 -> ../dm-3
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 12:07 360050768818134588000000001000023p1 -> ../dm-4
    crw-------. 1 root root 10, 236 Aug 12 17:29 control
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 13 09:32 raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv -> ../dm-0
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root       7 Aug 16 09:32 vg0-lvol0 -> ../dm-5
  10. As root, mount the discovered LVM device to this exact mount point: /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/external_mnt/SAN/.

    Do not use any other mount points.

    Only one connector node can mount ext4 or xfs at a time. Make sure this one goes to your first connector node, which is sorted alphanumerically.
    1. mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-lvol0 /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/external_mnt/SAN/
    2. df -h
      [root@e3n1 ~]# df -h
      Filesystem                                               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      devtmpfs                                                  95G     0   95G   0% /dev
      tmpfs                                                     95G   24K   95G   1% /dev/shm
      tmpfs                                                     95G  7.0M   95G   1% /run
      tmpfs                                                     95G     0   95G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
      /dev/sda9                                                194G   14G  171G   8% /
      /dev/sda1                                                969M  121M  782M  14% /boot
      /dev/sda6                                                 29G  286M   27G   2% /home
      /dev/sda5                                                 38G  7.8G   29G  22% /var
      /dev/sda8                                                4.7G  1.1G  3.5G  24% /var/log/audit
      /dev/sda7                                                 29G  834M   27G   3% /tmp
      platform                                                 3.0T  386G  2.6T  13% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/platform
      ips                                                      5.9T   56G  5.9T   1% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/ips
      /dev/sda2                                                 98G  2.0G   96G   3% /var/lib/docker
      /dev/mapper/raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv   21T   34M   21T   1% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch
      overlay                                                   98G  2.0G   96G   3% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/29664a900b8c96c105e1e616f66693ddede981f42e9944f6f2001f6208d71a9e/merged
      shm                                                      127G     0  127G   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/44aceb70059daf24a59de5f5847d366d9068c9c6403ca578423a63832ad2c467/shm
      tmpfs                                                     19G     0   19G   0% /run/user/0
      /dev/mapper/vg0-lvol0                                    5.0T  4.2T  483G  90% /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/external_mnt/SAN
  11. Edit /etc/fstab to make sure that this mount comes up on restart.
    vi /etc/fstab
    [root@e3n1 ~]# vi /etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab
    # Created by anaconda on Wed Aug 11 22:31:41 2021
    # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
    # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
    UUID=4f743dad-f155-4eed-adcb-2a0d7c3d7e6d /                       ext4    defaults        1 1
    UUID=16832cce-ff3e-42be-b88a-eb509a638f4b /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=5cf1745c-38c6-4d55-a78f-9e7e1e02bb75 /home                   ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=8e68b58f-617b-47c4-aa09-ec957bbcb285 /tmp                    ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=24be1b62-92b5-4742-8806-1a9b602eef29 /var                    ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=a5ad00fa-a6c4-4eef-bd97-7486cb8f34f6 /var/log/audit          ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=c568aaf5-c3af-459c-bc2e-1b8b5cb546c7 none                    ext4    defaults        1 2
    UUID=cef3974d-1dba-4bf1-a3ce-755ca380d057 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
    ips                  /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/ips gpfs       rw,nomtime,relatime,dev=ips,noauto 0 0
    platform             /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/platform gpfs       rw,nomtime,relatime,dev=platform,noauto 0 0
    /dev/sda2 /var/lib/docker xfs nofail 0 0
    /dev/raid6_nzscratch_vg/raid6_nzscratch_local_lv /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/nzscratch xfs nofail 0 0
    /dev/mapper/vg0-lvol0 /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/external_mnt/SAN ext4 nofail 0 0
  12. From e1n1, restart the container so that it picks up the mount you just made.
    1. ap apps
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |          ENABLED |
    2. ap apps disable vdb
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps disable vdb
      VDB will be disabled. Arestart you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
      State change request sent successfully
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |          ENABLED |
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:35:28
    3. ap apps
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |        DISABLING |
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:35:31
    4. ap apps
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |         DISABLED |
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:36:25
    5. ap apps enable vdb
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps enable vdb
      VDB will be enabled. Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
      State change request sent successfully
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |         ENABLING |
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:36:34
    6. ap apps
      [root@e1n1 ~]# ap apps
      | Name     | Management State |
      | CallHome |          ENABLED |
      | ICP4D    |          ENABLED |
      | VDB      |          ENABLED |
      Generated: 2021-08-16 09:38:23
  13. ssh to the first connector node, exec into the container, and observe whether the sTorage is mounted and shows usage in /external_mount/SAN.
    Your backup is in /external_mount/SAN.
    ssh e3n1
    [root@e1n1 ~]# ssh e3n1
    Last login: Mon Aug 16 09:34:52 2021 from e1n1
    [root@e3n1 ~]# docker exec -it ipshost1 bash
    [root@e3n1-npshost /]# df -h
    Filesystem                                               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    overlay                                                   98G  2.0G   96G   3% /
    tmpfs                                                     95G     0   95G   0% /dev
    ips                                                      5.9T   56G  5.9T   1% /nz
    /dev/mapper/raid6_nzscratch_vg-raid6_nzscratch_local_lv   21T   35M   21T   1% /nzscratch
    /dev/sda2                                                 98G  2.0G   96G   3% /etc/hosts
    /dev/sda9                                                194G   14G  171G   8% /etc/resolv.conf.upstream
    tmpfs                                                     95G  7.0M   95G   1% /host/run
    tmpfs                                                     19G     0   19G   0% /host/run/user/0
    /dev/mapper/vg0-lvol0                                    5.0T  4.2T  483G  90% /external_mount/SAN
    shm                                                      127G   42M  127G   1% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda5                                                 38G  7.8G   29G  22% /var/lib/sedsupport
    tmpfs                                                     64M   13M   52M  19% /run
    tmpfs                                                     64M     0   64M   0% /run/lock
    tmpfs                                                     64M     0   64M   0% /var/log/journal
    tmpfs                                                     71G  4.0K   71G   1% /tmp
    [root@e3n1-npshost /]# ll /external_mount/SAN/
    total 20
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 nz nz    4096 Aug 16 01:54 DB_BACKUP
    drwx------. 2 nz root 16384 Aug 15 23:17 lost+found
  14. Optional: Start the system and begin the restore.
    1. nzstart
    2. nzrestore