Restore an incremental backup
Restoring an incremental backup restores a subset of a backup set that includes a full backup, and any number of incremental backups. An incremental restore creates a database or appends to an existing database created through a previous restore, depending on the incremental restore type. You can restore by using three methods: up-to-x, step-by-step, or remainder incremental.
For the restore to return a database to a known state, the database must not be allowed to change during multi-step restore operations. Specifying the -lockdb option makes the database read-only and allows subsequent restore operations to the database.
To restore another increment after you perform a restore, you must specify -lockdb before an append restore operation. You cannot do an append restore operation unless the database was locked in a previous restore operation.
nzrestore -db dev -unlockdb
Up-to-x restore
Up-to-x restore restores a database from a full backup and then up to the specified increment. You can follow the up-to-x restore with a step-by-step restore.
Issue the -incrementlist option to view a report that lists increment numbers.
nzrestore -db dev -connector netbackup -increment 4
Step-by-step restore
Step-by-step restore restores single incrementals in chronological order. The nzrestore command maintains a restore history system table on the target system and queries this table to determine which increment to restore.
nzrestore -db dev -connector netbackup -increment 4 -lockdb true
nzrestore -db dev -connector netbackup -increment Next -lockdb true
nzrestore -db dev -connector netbackup -increment Next -lockdb false
To begin with the first increment when the database does not yet exist, specify the -increment 1 option. You can then step through the increments by specifying -increment Next.
Remainder restore
nzrestore -db dev -connector netbackup -increment REST