Run-time functions

Module documentation and detailed description for run-time functions.

Function/Subroutine documentation

  • subroutine nzaeGetUsername(handle, result)

    Returns the database username for the current query the AE is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (character*) The current username. An error results if the passed string is not long enough.

  • subroutine nzaeGetDatasliceId(handle, result)

    Returns the dataslice ID on which the current AE is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function.

  • subroutine nzaeGetHardwareId(handle, result)

    Returns the hardware ID on which the current AE is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (character*) The return value of this function. If the passed string is not at least 21 characters long, the result is filled with the NULL character ('').

  • subroutine nzaeGetNumberOfDataslices(handle, result)

    Returns the number of dataslices on which the NPS is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function.

  • subroutine nzaeGetNumberOfSpus(handle, result)

    Returns the number of SPUs on which the NPS is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function.

  • subroutine nzaeGetSessionId(handle, result)

    Returns the session ID on which the current AE is running.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function.

  • subroutine nzaeGetSuggestedMemoryLimit(handle, result)

    Returns the suggested memory limit for the AE in bytes.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (real*8) The return value of this function.

  • subroutine nzaeGetTransactionId(handle, result)

    Returns a string representation of the current transaction ID.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (character*) The string representation of the current transaction ID.

  • subroutine nzaeIsRunningInPostgres(handle, result)

    Specifies whether the current AE is being run from Postgres.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function. Returns 1 if the current AE is being run from Postgres; 0 otherwise.

  • subroutine nzaeIsRunningInDbos(handle, result)

    Specifies whether the current AE is being run from DBOS.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function. Returns 1 if the current AE is being run from DBOS; 0 otherwise.

  • subroutine nzaeIsRunningOnSpu(handle, result)

    Specifies whether the current AE is being run on a SPU.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function. Returns 1 if the current AE is being run on a SPU; 0 otherwise.

  • subroutine nzaeIsUserQuery(handle, result)

    Specifies whether the current AE is being run on a SPU. Returns 1 if the current AE is being run as a user query and 0 otherwise.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • result

        (integer) The return value of this function. Returns 1 if the current AE is being run as a user query; 0 otherwise.