History-data events

There are two event notifications that alert you to issues with history-data monitoring:
A problem prevented the history-data collection process (alcapp) from writing history-data files to the staging area.
A problem prevented the history-data loader process (alcloader) from loading history data into the history database.
The following is the syntax for the histCaptureEvent rule:
 -name 'HistCaptureEvent' -on no -eventType histCaptureEvent 
-eventArgsExpr '' -notifyType email -dst 'you@company.com' -ccDst '' 
-msg 'NPS History Capture Event from $HOST' -bodyText 'History data 
capture error:\nConfiguration Name =$configName\nStorage Limit 
=$storageLimit\nLoad Min Threshold =$loadMinThreshold\nLoad Max 
Threshold =$loadMaxThreshold\nDisk Full Threshold 
=$diskFullThreshold\nLoad Interval =$loadInterval\nTarget NPS 
=$nps\nTarget Database =$database\nCurrent Batch Size(MB) 
=$capturedSize\nStaged Batches Size(MB) =$stagedSize\nTotal Data 
Size(MB) =$storageSize\nBatch Directory =$dirName\nError Code 
=$errCode\nError Message = $errString\n' -eventAggrCount 
The following table describes the output from the histCaptureEvent rule.
Table 1. The histCaptureEvent rule
Arguments Description Examples
host The name of the system that had the history event nps1
configName The name of the active history configuration fullhist
storageLimit The storage limit size of the staging area in MB  
loadMinThreshold The minimum load threshold value in MB  
loadMaxThreshold The maximum load threshold value in MB  
diskFullThreshold Reserved for future use.  
loadInterval The load interval timer value in minutes  
nps The Netezza Performance Server location of the history database localhost
database The name of the history database into which the captured data is loaded  
capturedSize The size in MB of the captured data currently being written to $NZ_DATA/hist/staging/alc_$TIMESEQUENCE  
stagedSize The size in MB of all staged files in the /nz/data/hist/loading directory  
storageSize The size in MB of capturedSize plus stagedSize  
dirName The name of the directory which contains the currently captured data alc_$TIMESEQUENCE
errCode The number which represents the error problem:
History Storage Limit Exceeded
History Disk Full Threshold Exceeded (not used in this release)
History Capture Failure, which can be a problem that relates to a disk I/O error or an internal problem
errString The text string (shown in errCode description) for the related error code History Storage Limit Exceeded
The following is the syntax for the histLoadEvent rule:
 -name 'HistLoadEvent' -on no -eventType histLoadEvent -eventArgsExpr 
'' -notifyType email -dst 'you@company.com' -ccDst '' -msg 'NPS 
History Load Event from $HOST' -bodyText 'History data load 
error:\nConfiguration Name =$configName\nStorage Limit 
=$storageLimit\nLoad Min Threshold =$loadMinThreshold\nLoad Max 
Threshold =$loadMaxThreshold\nDisk Full Threshold 
=$diskFullThreshold\nLoad Interval =$loadInterval\nTarget NPS 
=$nps\nTarget Database =$database\nLoaded Batch Size(MB) 
=$batchSize\nStaged Batches Size(MB) =$stagedSize\nBatch Directory 
=$dirName\nError Code =$errCode\nError Message = $errString\n' 
-eventAggrCount 0

The following table describes the output from the histLoadEvent rule.

Table 2. The histLoadEvent rule
Arguments Description Examples
host The name of the Netezza Performance Server system that had the history event nps1
configName Name of the active history configuration  
storageLimit The storage limit size of the staging area in MB  
loadMinThreshold The minimum load threshold value in MB  
loadMaxThreshold The maximum load threshold value in MB  
diskFullThreshold Reserved for future use.  
loadInterval The load interval timer value in minutes  
nps The location of the history database localhost
database The name of the history database into which the data could not be loaded  
batchSize The size in MB of the batch of history files which are currently being loaded (/nz/data/hist/loading/alc_$TIMESEQUENCE directory)  
stagedSize The size in MB of all staged files in the /nz/data/hist/loading directory except the batch which is loading  
dirName The name of the directory that contains the staged batch files alc_$TIMESEQUENCE
errCode The number which represents the error problem:
History Load Connection Failure (not used in this release)
History Load Config Info Not Found, which indicates that the configuration used to collect the data cannot be found on the system. The configuration might be dropped or renamed before the files can be loaded. In this case, many fields in the event rule might be set to _UNKNOWN_ (for string fields) or -1 (for int fields).
History Load Failure, which can be an ODBC failure such as corrupted configuration information, or an internal problem
errString The text string (shown in errCode description) for the related error code History Load Config Info Not Found