Hardware needs attention

Restriction: Do not aggregate this event.

The system monitors the overall health and status of the hardware and can notify you when changes occur that can affect the system availability or performance. These changes can include replacement disks with invalid firmware, storage configuration changes, unavailable/unreachable components, disks that reach a grown defects early warning threshold, ethernet switch ports that are down, and other conditions that can be early warnings of problems that can affect system behavior or the ability to manage devices within the system.

If you enable the HwNeedsAttention event rule, the system generates a notification when it detects conditions that can lead to problems or that serve as symptoms of possible hardware failure or performance impacts.

The following is the syntax for the HwNeedsAttention event rule:
-name 'HardwareNeedsAttention' -on no -eventType hwNeedsAttention 
-eventArgsExpr '' -notifyType email -dst 'you@company.com' -ccDst '' 
-msg 'NPS system $HOST - $hwType $hwId Needs attention. $eventSource.' 
-bodyText '$notifyMsg\n\nlocation:$location\nerror 
string:$errString\ndevSerial:$devSerial\nevent source:$eventSource\n' 
-eventAggrCount 0
The following table lists the arguments to the HardwareNeedsAttention event rule.
Table 1. HardwareNeedsAttention event rule
Arguments Description Example
hwType The type of hardware affected spu
hwId The hardware ID of the component that has a condition to investigate 1013
location A string that describes the physical location of the component  
errString If the failed component is not inventoried, it is specified in this string.  
devSerial Specifies the serial number of the component, or Unknown if the component has no serial number. 601S496A2012