Environment functions

Module documentation and detailed description for environment functions

Function/Subroutine documentation

  • subroutine nzaeGetEnvironmentVariable(handle, name, value)

    Returns the environment variable value associated with the passed name.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • name

        (character*) The name to look up in the environment.

      • value

        (integer) The value of name in the environment.

    The result is an empty string if the environment value is not set. The name parameter is case insensitive.

  • subroutine nzaeGetFirstEnvironmentVariable(handle, name, value)

    Returns the first name/value pair in the environment.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • name

        (character*) The name of the first entry in the environment.

      • value

        (integer) The value of the first entry in the environment.

    This function should be used in conjunction with nzaeGetNextEnvironmentVariable to determine the entire environment.

  • subroutine nzaeGetNextEnvironmentVariable(handle, name, value, hasValue)

    Returns the next name/value pair in the environment.

    • Parameters
      • handle

        (integer) The handle passed to nzaeHandleRequest .

      • name

        (character*) The name of the first entry in the environment.

      • value

        (integer) The value of the first entry in the environment.

      • hasValue

        (integer) The value is 1 if name and value were set. The value is 0 if there are no more entries in the environment.

    This function should be used in conjunction with nzaeGetFirstEnvironmentVariable in order to determine the entire environment.